Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - What Everyone Is Saying!
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has been much anticipated and long awaited by game fans around the world. Find out how the game has stacked up against all the hype!
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has been long awaited by many gaming fans. It has also been closely looked at by critiques. And not only have fans and critiques been waiting for the arrival of the game,

so have outsiders. People who uneasily wondered about what controversy and violence would be in number two.
For fans of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, the day couldn`t have come fast enough. And games flew off the stocked shelves at record speeds, in fact stores just couldn`t keep up with the demand. And why were stores overwhelmed that day? Because over 310 million dollars were sold around the world in just 24 hours! And with those kinds of sales, stores had better been equipped with extra staff not to mention extra games. It had been long anticipated because number one game out a few years ago, leaving a huge gap in between. The game`s makers must have needed all that time to unwrap the content of the game piece by piece until it had just the right amount of gory, brutality and strategy that the game is popular for.
The game contains all of the same drama that is loved in the first one. There is unbelievable gore and blood and savage killings. For an outsider walking by someone playing the game, it would look just as disturbing as its first half. The differences in the new one is the `Special Ops` feature, where you can reply a scene with a friend. That new aspect seems to be pretty popular.
The game also seems to look its best when played in full multi-player mode. The game also gives players loads of incentives as they travel through the game, you can also customize special abilities and weapon classes giving it a more personal side. There are lots of strategies that can be used in this game, making it a welcoming challenge for players. There is also a new infamous level called the `no Russian` where players can have a terror attack on an airport and kill civilians. It is the most disturbing and controversial act in gaming that has yet to be seen.
On a darker note, many people looking at these kinds of video games have lots of opinions about it. For example in countries such as Germany, they are thinking about banning violent video games such as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. They feel that in light of current events, that it is not wise to showcase such violent acts on others. Other countries wonder how the impact of such hate crimes and international laws will play out and what kind of consequences might unfold because of the controversy. They argue that game companies should be more responsible.
For fans and dedicated gamers, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 met there expectation, although a few might argue that it was a tad disappointing. That stems from the sheer hype over the game`s arrival and anticipation. For those who love it and bought one of the first copies of it, they are in a state a love as they sit in front of the game and play.
This game has enabled people to use problem solving abilities to challenge others in a battle combat. The graphics are also amazing, and look awesome on a big screen TV. Many people are forming groups and setting times of the day to get together and play this game. And they cannot wait for the arrival of number three.