Characteristics and Color Grading of Pink Diamond
With beautiful appearance, pink diamond is very rare, but get to know something about the characteristics and the color grading of it is not that bad.
Pink diamond has long been a precious for connoisseurs. Due to the mining on Argyle mine in Australia,

pink diamond got the chances to be mined, produced and listed on counts of enormous shops, but its number is still limited.With rare and fine beauty, it became the very important auction on the world-level jewelry auction – Christies. Christies had an auction of a the stone weighing 19.66 carat which was evaluated of a total value of $7.4 million and was sold for $ 377,483 at the Geneva auction in 1994. Another case about the precious stone was happened in 1995, Sotheby had an auction of a light purple pink diamond weighing 7.37 carat, the auction price of the diamond was $818,863 for each carat and the total value was $ 6 million.For such a long time, there hasn’t been enough pink diamond for extensive research in depth anywhere in the world. Now the American GIA already has identification results and related data of 1500 pink diamond. It is by studies on these precious stones that the characteristics and standard of color grading are determined.They includes: light purple shades of pink, pink, orange hue of the color. Causes of the colorful diamonds are still remaining further study; some research noted that the phenomenon of colorful diamond is caused by the defects of the stone itself, which is of the same reason as brown diamond. The research also pointed out that pink diamond includes type I and type II. Among the 1490 diamonds, there are 1166 diamond of type I and 324 of type II, which supplies the proportion of type I is larger than type II. Some other researches also reveal that diamonds among type I are of larger weights then type II, which is to say, the pink color of the stone is related with the types and the weights. Different types of diamond are of different changing ratio. The color grading of the stone delivered by GIA can be divided like this: faint, very light, light, fancy light, fancy, fancy intense, fancy deep, fancy vivid.Findings of colorful diamonds show that about a half of the being studied diamond having the ribbon, and the manifestation of the ribbon of type I is less than 65%, and type II is of only 12%.The clarity of the diamond is irrelevant to its clarity in that identification of pink diamond enjoys a total different standard with clear diamond. However, the results of identification on this precious gem proved: the clarity of more than 68% pink diamond of type II are above VS, and the test results of all the samples show that only 51% pink diamonds can reach the clarity degree of VS. The vast majority of Pink diamonds regardless of longwave or shortwave would not have the fluorescent effect or of weak effect.In addition, the color of them can be changed in the cutting process.