Cool Kids Only
If I had kids, they would be the coolest kids on the block.
Being childless certainly have it's positives. More disposable income,

full nights sleep, and first world smugness knowing that you are not contributing to over population. However, sometimes the consumer in me wishes that I had kids, simply because of the things I could buy that both myself and said child would enjoy.Something I've seen a lot in airport terminals is a nifty looking children's suitcase/child seat/ride. I finally managed to track it down online and they come in a dinosaur and fire truck design! For some reason whenever I see a kid with one I immediately think their parents must be cool. Hence why I would like to have one.Baby ear muffs, as sported by Gwyneth Paltrow's offspring Apple, are also pretty cool. I like the notion that not only can you still attend music festivals as a new parent, you can also bring your baby along without damaging their hearing. And they look so damn cute with those big ear muggs on their little heads. Or perhaps a headphone print bib so your baby can channel a hip festival DJ vibe whilst simultaneosly dribbling mushed up carrots down their front.
Sophie la Girafe is one cool baby pacifier. She's made from natural rubber, is non toxic, and helps sooth baby's gums when teething. But Sophie has also been a cult baby accessory for over 50 years, used by celebrities and has appeared in Sex in the City 2. Retro baby chic.A miniature verson of an iconic brand name shoe is guaranteed incite maternal feelings in me when entering any shoe shop. Although pricey for the amount of time they will be worn before outgrown Adidas Originals in infant and toddler sizes are just too cute to resist.And while we're on the topic of kids versions of adult clothes, one of my favourite clothing brands Zara also does kids clothing - perfect for the narcissist wanting a mini version of themselves. And good to know that not all children's clothes need to be techni coloured. I would definitely be getting a child of mine a sheepskin gilet and leather ankle boots.Air Fork One. I want this simply because of the name.As it is, not only am I childless I am also single, thus lacking certain essentials that would result in my having a child. Although one can be happily childless, especially as I have lots of dear friends who are just about to pop out little ones. I can always be the super cool aunt, who still gets to go home and have a full nights sleep.For more fun gift ideas for kids, visit