Different Categories of Pearls and their Value
Pearls are the gem stones that have always been considered a symbol of status in the human society and are considered quite valuable by the people. The process through which the pearls can be produced is both natural and artificial. Pearls are used in a lot of different jewelries.
Pearl is a kind of hard object that is produced by a mollusk or oyster. The process through which a pearl is formed is that when a small object enters the inner soft tissue like surface of an oyster or mollusk,

a kind of irritation is created. In defense for this irritation and to obtain comfort against it, a mixture formed by the oyster or mollusk is applied to the object. Layers after layers of the mixture are coated on the object unless it becomes round and smooth. This newly developed object is known as pearl. Since ancient times, pearls are considered of great value and are deemed to possess mysterious powers that have added in the popularity of the pearl. Now it is considered as a symbol of purity and virtue. This is the reason that pearl is gifted to brides by their mothers.
The pearls can be formed both by the natural and artificial process. The pearls obtained through the natural process are quite rare and valuable. As the yield rate of these kinds of pearls is quite unpredictable therefore techniques have been adopted to produce the pearl artificially. In this process, an impurity or small object is artificially added into the soft surface of the mollusk or oyster. After planting the impurity, the mollusk or oyster is returned to the place of its original inhabitant. After waiting for 2 to 6 years, the pearls are then harvested from these mollusks or oysters. The size of the pearl obtained depends on the span of time after which the pearl has been harvested. Multiple pearls can also be obtained at a single time from each mollusk or oyster.
Pearls have been categorized in different groups according to their characteristics. One of these types or categories is fresh water pearl which as the name tells is the pearl that is obtained from the fresh water mollusk. These pearls are therefore obtained from lakes, ponds and rivers. These pearls are normally ill shaped, contain less amount of luster and are considered of low quality hence they are lower in value as compared to the salt water pearls. The other main category of the pearls is salt water pearl which is grown inside a marine oyster or mollusk. These pearls are mostly of higher quality having much rounder shape and greater luster. The reason behind the round shape is due to the use of a bead nucleus as irritation in the formation process.
Pearls are commonly used in different forms of jewelries and other ornaments. The common form of jewelry is pearl necklace, pearl necklace pendant, pearl strands, pearl bracelets etc. These jewelries are considered quite versatile and can be used with almost every outfit in all sorts of occasions. The jewelry made by the pearls is considered as the best gift that one can give to any female.
Pearls are quite famous across all over the world especially in the city of Dubai where they are considered as a status symbol. Pearls in Dubai are available in different shops that have a wide range of variety of pearls.
It is also possible to obtain high quality pearls through Online pearl shopping. There are many different websites that are selling the gemstones to the people at nominal rates.