Tired of the same old monogrammed designer bags? Want a purse that won't be on the arm of every Trish, Dana or Harriet? Then Razzybags is the place for you!
Specializing in hand made purses and accessories since 2003, Razzybags has something for everyone. From furry trimmed evening silk purses to artsy bohemian totes, Razzybags caters to all tastes and styles.
No matter what your style is, one thing is for certain: every Razzy bag is made with meticulous attention to detail and is an authentic original. Founder and CEO Dawn Beer said:
"Most of my handbags are one of a kind. I like to make them unique, so that when you are out, you will not meet someone with a bag identical to yours. The attention to detail is remarked upon quite a lot, and I strive for high customer service."
Customer service is a top priority for Razzybags, right behind making quality products. Here is what one customer had to say:
The bag arrived this morning, after only placing the order yesterday. Fantastic service. I am very pleased with the shoulder bag, it is just what I was looking for! The attention to detail is superb, I would recommend you to anyone and I will be purchasing from you in the future.
Based out of Broad Haven in West Wales, Dawn oversees the entire production of her handmade bags. Her studio's creations are currently in high demand, up 300% from last year. Though she has no formal training, Dawn learned to sew from her seamstress mother at an early age. After six years of working in the fabric industry, Dawn began designing her own purses for fun. Shortly thereafter, her hobby turned into the designs that you see on Razzybags.com today.
Made with only the best fabrics, Razzybags come in all different style from silk and fur clutches to chenille and velvet embroidered bucket-style bags. Each bag can be identified by its own fun, distinctive name like "Hannah Funky Stripes" or "Livvy Turquoise Dot." Even though these bags are quality handmade, one-of-a-kind originals, they hold their own against the cost of department store bags, starting at £14.95 ($27 US). Best of all, they stand the test of time and continue to look great after years of use.
Razzybags.com is known for their purses, but also carries a wide variety of fun, hand made accessories. Brooches and embroidered notebooks are also hot items that Razzybags creates, and new, original items are added often.
Proven Tips, Tools and Tactics To Stop Child Bed Wetting
First of all, it's important to understand the facts behind bed wetting. It helps to realize that this is not some kind of disorder. It's actually a problem that is quite common in children. Statistics show that about 15% of children over three wet the bed and boys are more likely to have the problem than girls.Stop Wasting Money On The Latest Treatment of Psoriasis
Psoriasis does not discriminate! People of any age, sex or race can become victims. However the severity of the disease can vary greatly in different people. Some people only ever have one outbreak and are never troubled again while others suffer a severe form and are in constant discomfort.What Everybody Should Know About Helping Baby Sleep Soundly
If your baby is not sleeping well, there could be several reasons for that. Some of the common reasons include stomach pain, abdominal gas, intestinal worms, teething, separation anxiety, urinary tract infection, and food sensitivity. Apart from these reasons, external factors such as lack of a proper baby bed or uncomfortable pajamas could also keep your baby awake at night.