Coffee filters could be the difference between producing a great or average cup of coffee.
What's worse than running out of coffee first thing in the morning? Running out of coffee filters! I experienced this horrible feeling recently and such was my yearning for a cup of joe I swallowed my pride and made myself a cup of instant to keep me happy until the store opened. Hey, that instant wasn't so bad but I couldn't drink it on a regular basis.
So what about coffee filters? Ever pay much attention to them? I bet no one really does but they have quite an interesting history as you are about to discover in this article.
The History Of The Coffee Filter
It must have been a "Newton" moment for coffee filters back in the 1700's when a sock was used to make the first cup of filtered coffee. The story goes something like this... a person couldn't stand the sight of coffee grounds in his cup so used a smelly sock to filter it out. The idea must have had some merit because it caught on and the coffee filter was born. Metal filters followed and of course, present day, it's the paper filters which adorn the cupboards of most households who indulge in the little "black stuff."
Did You Know?
Paper coffee filters are said to benefit people battling high cholesterol levels. Oils are trapped and prevented from getting into the cup and while the taste of the coffee is not as flavorsome, the end result is less oils in the body.
What Type Of Coffee Filter Do You Prefer?
Believe it or not, coffee filters come in gold! No, not gold blend but actual gold filters. It's said they are designed to allow the coffee's natural oils into the cup and this in turn provides a better taste. But, being gold, they are likely to be pricey so may not be everyone's "cup of tea." The advantage with gold coffee filters is their durability and they will last for quite some time.
The paper coffee filter is the most common filter on the market and many will say they can give a paper like taste to the coffee. It's a personal thing really and from my viewpoint, I think they are fine. Probably not the preferred filter of choice for the true coffee connoisseur but at least you don't end up with grounds in the bottom of your cup.
Melitta Coffee Filters
Melitta Benz started something special just after the turn of the 20th century with her filters and they are just about the most widely used today. These paper filters are said to have benefits in keeping harmful cholesterol levels low because of the oils which are trapped in the filter. Again, it's personal taste and also being a lover of percolated coffee, I don't give the oils too much thought. However, if you need to keep a check on your cholesterol levels then Melitta coffee filters are the ideal filter.
Other Types Of Filters
You'll get a debate on the subject of coffee most times and it seems it's no different with filters. Paper, metal or cloth. Cloth will certainly be the environmental choice and will give good service for several months while metal obviously costs more but lasts a long time and has good environmental qualities. Paper traps most of the oils but some prefer they get through yet it is very inexpensive and the mess factor is very low. It's the good thing about coffee. It's all personal taste. So, what is your filter preference?
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