I hear many people that move here to Las Vegas complain about how ... it is to make friends in this city. I hear that people are mean, too distant, ... tricky, flakey, and just plain
I hear many people that move here to Las Vegas complain about how difficult it is to make friends in this city. I hear that people are mean, too distant, self-involved, tricky, flakey, and just plain unfriendly. In all honesty, this is one of the friendliest places I've ever lived. However, those people that do stick around for the long haul do tend to develop a certain way about them that is unique to the culture developing in the area.
I've noticed that Las Vegas consists of one class of people with pockets of cliques. It's more of a corporation than it is a city. This class of people consists of those that have been here a while and feel a personal stake in the success and growth of the area. The cliques are usually small groups of people from the same hometown or similar interests.
However, when you do move to Las Vegas, there are many things that you can do to locate people like yourself. The most popular way is to start a special interest group! You would be surprised at how many people will show up at one of the local bookstores for a meeting to discuss group plans. However, I've found that groups last for a short time as people tend to settle in and begin to move on to other things.
Moving on to other things ... an important point to remember. For every five people that move here, one goes bankrupt, another can't handle some aspect of the city, and a third stays, but remains angry at the city. The other two move on to other things and succeed at one thing or another.
One thing that people don't realize is that The Strip is only a part of the city. Las Vegas spans a rather nice-sized area and is expanding in all directions every day. Not to mention the fact that numerous industries are poking around at the possibility of moving here because it is so much less expensive than many people realize.
The main issue I do have to warn you about is the medical community. Your best bet is to maintain contact with your doctor from your prior home as you will find that the Las Vegas doctors leave much to be desired. If you don't have a doctor, Arizona and California are nearby and have some reasonable medical practitioners.
Las Vegas isn't for everyone and you really have to examine if it's something that you want before you move here. Evaluate what you want from Las Vegas and where you would want to live before making the decision. It's hot and cold. The housing market is going wild. Traffic is moderate. Jobs are in flux and you can't just get a job in a casino, or anywhere for that matter, at the drop of a hat. However, I say within five years that this area will bring in some technology, which in turn will support increases in technical salaries to bring in top-notch technology personnel. Things are changing and people are transforming and in-transit.
Las Vegas is a great place to live, but it's not for the faint of heart. Things are changing and growing rapidly. Such transience and growth tends to isolate people because of the massive cultural influx. If it's not something you're used to, then it can make you feel isolated. To remedy, you'll have to relax, open up, and go out and meet people with similar interests or ideas. Churches, gyms, clubs, or groups can provide a vehicle to begin your search here. So, don't give up! Just make sure that you're ready for the energy, growth, and change that go on constantly in Las Vegas!
--- About the Author ---
Edward B. Toupin is an author, publisher, life-strategy coach, counselor, Reiki Master, technical writer, and PhD Candidate living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors books, articles, and screenplays on topics ranging from career success through life organization and fulfillment. Check out some of his recent print and electronic books as well as his articles covering various life-changing topics!
Hypnotized by the Crowd ... Lost in the forest of beliefs!
Over the years of growth and ... we become ... by our own belief systems. We move through life under the ... of societal and ... rank and file. Parental voices fill our headsGod's Name ... Creation and undoing!
Over the past number of years, while going through my studies and ... ... and answers come to the surface that are most ... I have come to ... things ... than I waContext-Free Living ... Living without boundaries!
I know by now that you've heard the terms ... Living", ... Living", or an ... of other such coined terms for various ... ploys to sell products and ... However,