This weekend was an amazing Holiday for me.
This weekend was an amazing Holiday for me and after
working 14,

18 and even a stretch of 20 hour days the last couple of
weeks on a lot of hot new projects that I'll be introducing to you
soon, I really needed a "Break"!
As you know we celebrated Labor Day here in the U.S. and Canada
(Thanks Alex for enlightening me), so this weekend was the perfect
opportunity for my family and I to get out and "Party".
We ended up going to one of the best resorts out in North Carolina
and spent the weekend horse back riding, trail walking, Kayaking and
PARTYING!!!! Thats RIGHT, as we where leaving for the resort
my mother-in-law called and wanted to go with us, which was great
with me because it allowed my wife and I some personal
1 on 1 party time later that night, while grandma watched the kids
If you are ever in the Raleigh, North Carolina area and enjoy
having a safe, relaxing environment to party in I highly suggest
going to Club Zydeco in downtown Raleigh. The drinks are great, the
music is good (especially if you like live Jazz!) and the food is
amazing. If you decided to go let me know and I'll meet you!
To make a long story short, we ended up getting back to the resort,
in the very early morning hours but had one of the best times ever!
I tell you this as a reminder that YES work is very important, but so
is enjoying life and more importantly being ABLE to enjoy life and
by that I mean being financially free as well as free to make the
decisions that you WANT to make not only those that you HAVE to make.
To often we get caught up on what we *Have* to do because we
have bills to pay, rent or a mortgage that is due or other expenses
and we forget about "US" Never forget about you always, remember
to enjoy life because it can be taken in a moment and never given
Take the time out to enjoy things, appreciate people and live life to
the fullest. Make it a habit to tell those that you love and
appreciate them and do it often, you never know when they can
be taken away. Tell your wife, your girlfriend, mom, dad, kids your
label mates... And mean it!
And with that said, I want to let you know that I appreciate you
being on my list, being a reader of my newsletter, blog and/or community
site and want to thank you by giving you two amazing gifts.
Both of these "Gifts" will help you to challenge yourself and help
you to reach the goals that you have of being successful with your music.
I always talk about Taking Action and YOU having the power to do
whatever it is that you see yourself as doing in the future.
Your potential starts within your creative mind, so always see
yourself being, doing and already enjoying the goals that you
are out to reach.
See yourself as a significant contributor to the music industry
and it will be, make it up in your mind that you are going to be
the best in this industry, at what it is that you love doing.
Don't let anything stop you from reaching your goals, you deserve it
and both of these gifts will help you to do just that, REACH YOUR GOALS!
Take a look;
As always, Take Action & Stay Focused!
Ty Cohen
Your Music Business Coach
P.S. You DESERVE success, don't let things such as
negative self talk, the seemingly lack of finances and other things
rob you of that success.
Use this opportunity to "make it";
Go Here Now =>
P.P.S. By the way, as you may or may not know I have a coaching
program called "The Music Marketing Extreme" program that cost
$5,500.00 which we literally sold out of earlier this year.
It's a pretty extensive program that helps you to get global
exposure and music sales and well worth it, but I have decided not
to accept any more new clients until after the first of the year,
so you've missed out on that chance, but if you want the greatest
and next best thing, this is it!
Pick up the complete package here:
It's valued at a couple of hundred dollars so of course I have to limit
it to the first 50 people only (or else I'd lose my shirt!
Be sure to leave a comment, telling us what YOU did, how di you enjoy yourself on the holidays?