In this article, I'm going to share with you a very popularSocial Networking site.
In this article,

I'm going to share with you a very popular
Social Networking site called that you can literally
spend just about 5-10 minute a day on and be able to attract a
very good amount of high quality traffic in the form of fans and
music buyers back to your website or myspace page. And its really fun.
Before we begin, I want to let you know that very few people are
using this method of attracting new fans and attention to their music, why?
Simply because they either A- Don't know or B- Are to lazy
In fact, if you take the steps that I give you below and apply them
you'll be way ahead of everyone else.
Are you ready? Great, then lets begin!
Things You'll Need to successfully use twitter:
* Computer
* Internet / mobile
* Few seconds of time
Step 1 - SMM (social media marketing) is the latest online
marketing trend to hit the music industry because its an highly
profitable and easy way to build brand recognition for you the
It's a also a great way to get new fans to your website, blog or
Myspace page through social media like facebook, myspace, flickr,
youtube, digg and the like.
Social media sites are web sites where news, photos, videos and pod
casts are hosted through user submission. If you've ever thought that
marketing your music through social media is time consuming,
Twitter is an exception
Step 2 - The reason why I really like Twitter is because it is
a lot easier and simpler social networking and
micro-blogging service. All you will need to do is answer the
question, ‘what are you doing?' in less than 140 characters. These
short messages are called "tweets". Your tweets are immediately
displayed on the your profile page and instantly delivered to other
users who are following you (i.e. your fans.)
So for instance, some of your tweets may look like
"I'm in the studio recording a new song for the next CD"
"I'm sitting at the park writing a new song"
"I'm at the SWSX music conference"
So do you see how this works? Pretty easy right?
So how do you start Tweeting?
Step 3 - Sign up for a free twitter account. The most important
thing that you want to remember is to use you Artist name, Business
or Real Name rather than some abstract alphanumeric
combination. This will help build credibility.
The next step is to change a few things in your profile,
immediately. Include keywords about your music and genre, interests
and whatever you want to use twitter for. You can restrict your tweet
delivery to those in your circle, but I suggest leaving the
Default setting in place, which is "delivery to everyone".
Step 4 - Click ‘find and follow' to follow people from your aol,
yahoo gmail and other email contacts who are already tweeting. You can
also find people with similar interests by searching for a keyword
according to your Genre or interest (i.e. Jaxx Music, Hip Hop,
Country). Click follow, if you find any interesting.
By the way, My twitter name is TyCohen ;)
Step 5 - Now you are all set to send your first tweet. Type a small
message (max 140 characters including spaces) telling people what
you are doing. You can send tweets through twitter website or
instant messenger or SMS from your cell-phone. You need to confirm
your cell phone number first. Do this by clicking devices.
If you think it doesn't make any sense and is sheer waste of time,
then you are under estimating twitter potential.
Step 6 - Twitter allows you to add links in the tweets which is a
huge marketing benefit to you. You can use
this to display your own links. For ex: one of my tweets today was
"Using MySpace to Make Your CD Sales Soar!
Step 7 - By tweeting frequently, following and being followed, you
can grow a small community of people with similar interests and who
recognize your name and your brand!
Step 8 - I downloaded a great time saver Twhirl. It is a third
party application for twitter. If tweeting takes around 60 seconds,
Twhirl cuts down that time to below 10 seconds.
Twhirl stays on the desktop (logged in). I don't need to visit the
twitter website during my hectic workday. All I do is, click the twhirl
icon from the system tray and type a short "whatever I'm doing"
tweet and send. Twhirl also notifies when I receive messages from
my followers or anyone that I'm following. So I don't miss a thing and
all without wasting my time.
You can also use twhirl to upload pictures to, a site
to share photos.
There are many applications for twitter like twitterfeed (similar
to twhirl), twittervision, which shows the geo position of the your
twitter friends and so on.
So there you go! A quick and easy way to expand your marketing to
millions of people all for free.
Happy Tweeting.
Your Music Business Coach!
Ty Cohen