Healthy seven ... cocktail Today’s recipe is for a cocktail that requires seven ... I think it makes it magic. Number seven has been ... a holy ... number. There are many
Healthy seven components cocktail Today’s recipe is for a cocktail that requires seven components. I think it makes it magic. Number seven has been considered a holy (special) number. There are many cases of grouping people, cities, or things in groups of seven. The members of the Polish Club are obviously proficient in their knowledge of the Bible, and therefore each of us can quote numerous examples of sevens. For example Abraham presented Abimelech with 7 lambs. There are seven days in the week, since the Lord created the world for six days and rested on the seventh. Jericho was surrounded for seven days, and Samson was in relationship with Delilah for seven days, too. When we deserve it, we will be blessed with the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, namely the wisdom, understandings, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. We should also follow the seven Corporal Works of Mercy - feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. We can also commit seven Capital Sins - pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth. Seven hills away, and seven forests away, far from Poland, Malgosia proposes this recipe for a cocktail: 1. one cup of soy milk 2. three table spoons of yogurt 3. three tablespoons of flax seed 4. one heaping teaspoon of cocoa or coffee 5. five dried prunes or apricots 6. one quarter of lemon, with peel or a slice of fresh ginger 7. one banana You can buy these ingredients at many stores in many countries. Mix everything in a blender, until its texture resembles that of a heavy cream. If the final product is too thick, add more soy milk, and mix. If it is too thin or not sweet enough – add one more banana. You may add some cinnamon for taste. We have testimonials from some of our high ranking readers on the efficiency of this cocktail. Suzan O. states: “This is a wonderful cocktail, I drink it frequently. Everybody in my neighborhood knows now about my regularity. Also my husband’s prostate, after drinking the cocktail for less than half a year, shrunk from the size of a cantaloupe, to the size of cantaloupe’s seed. I even fed the cocktail to our eighteen year old, spayed cat. Can you believe – we now have seven wonderful kittens!”
Polish cooking (Operatic bigos, also known as hunters’ stew )
Operatic bigos, also known as hunters’ stew An ... meal Is bigos, because it is composed of ... One takes shredded sour ... ... to a proverb, is ... in a pPolish cooking, Aspic of Pike,
Aspic of Pike, Pike Township styleFor ... fish were ... Poor people could not afford meat, but fish, wild ... or wild berries were always ... and ... as inferior foodPolish cooking Favors (kindlings)
Favors ... ... to ... name favors ... was ... used to describe a dough that was deep fried, like donuts or paczki, another Polish pastry. ... this name is