Preserve Great Taste Of Green Tea While Removing Caffeine
Green tea is a popular beverage consumed for heatlth. It is drunk for its healthy properties such as useful results in diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis as well as for reducting weight.
Green tea is a well-accepted beverage consumed for heatlth. It is drunk for its nutritious properties such as useful results in diabetes,

cardiovascular diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis as well as for reducting weight. Those who have caffeine intolerance also prefer to have green tea to coffee because of an assumption that green tea doesn’t contain caffeine.
Caffeine is much famous to excite respiratory system, central nervous system and muscles of heart. Therefore many individuals consume coffee to refrain from fatigue. It also possesses diuretic properties. However too much usage of caffeine can brings in vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, hunger loss, headache, sleeplessness, and irritability. It is also prohibited at the time of pregnancy. Due to these ill effects of caffeine, individuals choose to drink green tea than coffee.
But they will be astounded to understand that green tea also comprises of caffeine. excellent factor is its quantity is much low than other drinks like coffee, soft drinks, black tea, etc. Plus you can also buy decaffeinated green tea. Plus you can reduce the level of caffeine in green tea on your own. Hence it will be foolish to abstatin from green tea just because it contains caffeine not thinking about the tremendous health-giving advantages it gives.
Most essentially, you should understand that caffeine content in green tea varies significantly based on numerous factors such as the part of the plant used in its making, its way of preparation, brewing, etc. Keeep well in mind that newer tea leaves has higher level of caffeine. The top quality of green tea is considered to be taken out from the terminal bud and the two leaves near it. This is termed as tea flush. This is the most succulent and most delicious part of the green tea plant, but also it comprises of the highest level of caffeine.
Some specific sorts of green tea such as Japanese Genmaicha, Houjicha, and Bancha are low in caffeine quantity.
You can also avail decaffeinated tea. However while purchasing it, you should remember to consider the procedure by using which it has been decaffeinated. There are two processes viz. by mixing ethyl acetate and by mixing carbon dioxide of which later is the more recommended one. Ethyl acetate method is usually marketed as natural process. But the reality is it is a synthetic chemical and is made use of elsewhere to cleanse circuit boards and in all it is a cleanser of stains of paints such as nail polish and other such paints. On the other hand carbon dioxide method is the more secure one and more eco-friendly. It also preserves 95% of the advantageous polyphenols in green tea and thus gives safest and most helpful green tea for you.
Even you can remove caffeine from your green tea by yourself by steeping it in hot water for forty five seconds and then getting rid of this very first solvent. In this way nearly 80 percent of caffeine is removed and the least of it is left back. The taste of green tea is also not taken out much as a result of this process.
Also keeep well in mind to have green tea before it gets cold. The theanine as well as catechins comprised in green tea reduce the activity of caffeine. At the time of brewing the green tea these two substances join with caffeine and make it less efficient and they can accomplish this in the high temperature water. When you cool off the tea the catechins are broken down and caffeine is freed again.
In this way you can observe that albeit green tea comprises of caffeine its amount is less and that too can be minimized. Hence the health value of green tea is not reduced owing to its caffeine factor.