Skin problem that affects millions of people

Nov 3


Alise Selezneva

Alise Selezneva

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The most common skin problem is acne. It affects 16% of all people in the US. There are three main causes of acne. To treat this skin problem effectively, it's important to recognise what is causing it.

Acne is one of the most common skin problems. This problem affects young and old - from babies to adults in their 50s. There are three main causes of acne. To treat this skin problem effectively,Skin problem that affects millions of people Articles it's important to recognise what is causing an acne. Statistics shows that acne is one of the most common diseases in the US and everywhere too. It affects more than sixteen percent of all who live in North America. This is the common problem that most teenagers suffer from. Most people striving to have flawless and soft skin, but acne just ruin that. Young adults are the most common age group who suffer from this problem. Severe cases can be scarring on both emotional and physical level. Thankfully, in many cases after about age of 20, this problems begin to decrease, but for some people this troubles won’t go away. Some, mostly women, in their 40s or fifties still have problems with acne. It is estimated that about 25% of all adult men and up to a half of females have had this skin desiese during their adult lives. Such cases of rigorous acne require more powerful remedies then only skin care products.  Hormonal cause Hormonal misbalance is one of the common causes of pimples. Hormones called androgens are the one to blame on. If you are struggling rigorous acne, you may have this misbalance. Hormonal fluctuations from climax can also be a reason. Hormonal changes can take place at any time due to any reason whatsoever. Women mainly experience the problem of cystic acne after pregnancy or during the menstrual cycle. With hormones being a reason, it can be a problem for people of any age and sex.  Bad eating habits Having hot, oily, canned foods, too much of a chocolate and sweets may be a thing that leads to an acne. Meals that is hard to for himan body to digest may be a main reason for acne. Junk food should be avoided when fighting skin problems.  Other causes of acne Skin contains a lot of small skin cells and pores. When old skin cells die, - new cell take their place. Clogged with make-up or other cosmetics pores do not let your skin to breathe and it can be a reason for acne. If choosing a make-up chose water-based type.  Too much oil on the skin, humid, and blocked skin pores is a frequent external cause.It also has been learned that bacteria Propioni bacterium are another reason for pimples.  Another reason is too much of sunbathing. Creams that contain chemicals and vegetable oil can also be ones to blame on. Treating acne In order for your skin to become healthy, you have to give a good care to it. When buying creams, choose creams with benzoyl peroxide. Try using homemade masks with salt and other natural products. It’s also important to visit a doctor that will help you to determine reasons and to choose an effective acne treatment and diet plan.