Tips for Proper Diamond Care
Proper diamond care is not very difficult and people can easily take care of this precious substance without any expertise. Here are a few tips for taking care of your diamonds.
Diamond is the hardest known substance to humans. The bright,

shiny carbon compound is often regarded as a woman’s best friend and also a man’s greatest possession. Diamond is not just very precious but close to our hearts as well. We need to take care of the diamonds that we possess. Proper diamond care is not very difficult and people can easily take care of this precious substance without any expertise. Here are a few tips for taking care of your diamonds:
Diamonds need to be cleaned for time to time as they can become dirty. This may be the result of their exposure to moisture, dirt, powders, soaps, cosmetic products and so on. Here are some of the different ways you can clean your diamond are as follows –
1) Using detergents - Use a very mild detergent that you use in your house mixed with warm water. Place the diamonds in this solution and then use a very soft brush or non-abrasive cloth to clean it. After that rinse well and dry them with the help of a dry piece of non-abrasive cloth. This cleaning process is usually known as a detergent bath.
2) Soak in cold water - take 4 parts cold water and 1-part mild detergent. In this mixture, soak your diamonds for 5 to 10 minutes. Take them out and rub them with a soft cloth or very sift brush. Rinse well and dry with a clean piece of non-abrasive cloth.
3) Cleaners - there are many diamond cleaners available in the market which can be used to clean your diamond jewelries. However, you should be careful and choose a cleaner which is from a reputed brand name. Also, the cleaner should be mild and should not contain any harmful chemical like chlorine etc. Carefully follow the directions listed.
4) Machine - you can also purchase a ultrasonic machine which is available on the market. which can help you in cleaning the diamonds. However, these machines may be a bit expensive and alternately you can approach any professional cleaners to clean the diamonds with the help of these machines. If you do clean the diamond with an ultrasonic machine, be sure to read and follow the directions carefully.
Diamond Care Do’s and Don’ts
• Always keep diamonds in a clean place.
• Do not wear them while cleaning the house or indulging in any other household activities.
• Keep them out of the reach of small children.
• Do not let the jewelry come in contact with any kind of bleaches such as chlorine bleaches.
• Clean your diamonds on a regular basis.