... GAGE IS ... - "I CAN'T TAKE IT ... are really living in strange ... know the Bible says in the end times that "right" will ... and "wrong" will seem ... anyon
We are really living in strange times.
You know the Bible says in the end times that "right" will look
wrong and "wrong" will seem right.
Does anyone need to be convinced that we are living in those times.
I have reached the absorption point - and I realyy mean I can't
take it anymore. I have turned off my news "hard when you are a
news junkie" - turned off the radio - turned off people if they
are negative.
I will be glad when the election is over - never in my entire lifetime
have I witnessed the extent that people will go to in order to get
power - lies, cheating, immoral, things that are proven on paper
are turned around and spinned in the way they want it to appear -
the most disheartened thing about it is - PEOPLE BELIEVE IT!!
They say we can't profile - WHY???? - If you are attcked by a
bunch of green men - you don't go looking for white, black, brown
or any other color - you look for the green man.
Political correctness has our hands tied and we are unable to
protect ourselves properly. People who come from around the world
come here and try to change our world to match theirs - the USA
has it's own culture and ways - why should we change to meet the
needs of other cultures.
We are suppose to be a government of the people, by the people and
for the people - this has changed - we are no longer a democracy -
we are governed by crazy power hungry judges who want to make the
rules and not inforce them.
Why is it that when 85% of the people want something that a power
hungry judge can change the rules and make the 85% conform to the
15%. Something is wrong with this picture.
It is like the frog that was cooked before he knew it - he put
up with the heat turned up a little at a time and he didn't realize
it - people - we are being cooked a little at a time - open our
eyes and speak out - shout out - do something besides say - that's
the way it is.
Most all great governments have been destroyed within - the signs
are here - we are our own worst enemy - get back to our principals,
morals and beliefs - don't let the political correct ruin our
country and our ways. Don't wait until it has all happened and you
can't do anything about it - STAND UP, stick to your beliefs -
vote - write letters, make phone calls - speak out.
Do you realize when a law is passed that is not popular with the
people - there is very little outcry because everyone thinks there
is nothing they can do about it - you are wrong - you are a force
of ONE - but together we are a force of MANY!!!!
Sharon Lambkin
Tips, tools, products, a little political, a little Spiritual. Good Carbs - help for the hurting - adaptive clothing - all rolled into one. The Starter Kit Haven Collection.