What are Fusion Hair Extensions?

Oct 9


Josh Riverside

Josh Riverside

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Forget about genetics. Forget about heredity. Forget your hair’s past. Today, almost anyone can have beautiful hair. Want long hair? No problem. Curls? Again, no problem. Blonde, brown, red or black hair? Not a problem, either. With hair extensions, you can have the hair you’ve always dreamed of.


Hair extensions can be attached to your head in many different ways,What are Fusion Hair Extensions? Articles including gluing, tubing, sewing, and clipping on. Different methods have different advantages. The method you choose will depend on many factors: your hair, your lifestyle, your budget, and your needs, for starters. If you are looking for a long-lasting, natural-looking hair extension, though, consider one of the fusion methods.

Fusion is generally the preferred method as fused hair extensions can last up to three to six months with skilled application and proper care. With fusion hair extensions, the extensions should be indistinguishable from your natural hair. If properly applied, the attachment site should be virtually invisible.

Fusion hair extensions can be applied in different ways: hot or cold fusion. Hot fusion or bonding uses hot glue to attach extensions to your hair. This is the more traditional method. While it does have many happy followers, others say that the glue causes the extensions to feel stiff and unnatural. These extensions can last up to 4 months.

Cold fusion is a new method, and is meant to be gentle for the hair. This method uses a keratin-based polymer to attach extensions to the root. As this method uses no heat, it is good for fine or thin hair. The polymer offers more flexibility than hot-glue, and results in more natural-feeling hair. For cold fusion hair extensions, many hairdressers use SoCap extensions and a clear bond. These extensions can last up to six months.

Fusion hair extensions are more expensive than other methods. If you want long-lasting, natural-looking luscious hair, they just might be the extensions for you.

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