The first step towards making significant changes in your life is to alter the way you use questions that begin with "why." As IBM Founder Thomas Watson, Sr. once said, "the ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer." "Why" questions are particularly potent as they inherently contain an answer. However, if not used effectively, they can keep you stuck in unproductive patterns.
Every "why" question implicitly contains a statement of fact. For instance, when you ask, "why is the sky blue?" you are acknowledging the fact that the sky is blue and are merely seeking an explanation for this phenomenon. This inherent affirmation within each "why" question can be both a boon and a bane.
For example, if you have difficulty waking up early and often ask yourself, "why do I stay in bed when it's time to get up?" you are inadvertently affirming the fact that you don't get up on time. This affirmation can keep you stuck in the same pattern.
Start by identifying the "why" questions you frequently ask yourself. If you're always late for appointments, you might ask, "why am I always late?" If you're struggling financially, you might ask, "why am I always broke?" If you're constantly running out of time, you might ask, "why is there never enough time in my day?"
Once you've identified these questions, transform them into "how can I" questions. Instead of asking, "why am I always late?" ask, "how can I be on time for all my appointments?" Instead of asking, "why am I always broke?" ask, "how can I earn/save/have more money?"
Author Noah St. John introduces the concept of "afformations" in his book, "Learn How and Why to Give Yourself Permission to Succeed." An afformation, according to St. John, is "an empowering question to which the human brain must try to find an answer." You can learn more about afformations on his website.
Afformations are "why" questions that affirm something you desire. For instance, instead of asking, "why am I always late?" try asking, "why am I on time for all my appointments?" Instead of asking, "why am I always broke?" try asking, "why do I experience financial abundance?"
By asking positive "why" questions, you convince your brain that your desired reality already exists. If it exists in your mind, it's bound to manifest in your reality.
Combine afformations with journaling for maximum effect. Start keeping a daily journal and ask yourself only positive "why" questions. This practice not only helps you articulate your thoughts but also affirms your desired reality in your own mind.
Psychologist William James once said, "the greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." By transforming the way you use "why" questions, you can change your attitude and, consequently, your life.
Remember, it's your life. Make it great!
The Power of Four: Essential Words for Daily Use
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