Three Secrets to ... EzinesBy Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., ... Ezine Secret ... after me: content, content, content! Ezine Mantra: My ezine del
Three Secrets to Effective Ezines
By Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., CBC
Effective Ezine Secret #1:
Repeat after me: content, content, content!
Ezine Mantra: My ezine delivers valuable content.
Content is king!
I don’t care if you have 2 subscribers or 20,000, please deliver quality content. If you can’t write well, then get help, or outsource. If you can write, then continuously work to improve your writing.
Make your ezine interesting to read, and valuable to your readers. Never forget your readers are asking themselves, “What’s in it for me?” Provide them answers and give them opportunities to learn more. That’s why you’re doing an ezine in the first place. It’s not just to show how much you know, but how much you care about them and are a resource to them.
Effective Ezine Secret # 2:
As they say in Hollywood, looking good is everything. Not only does an attractive design attract readers, but it projects image and in particular, branding image. Your ezine should not only look good (no typos, no misspellings, your logo and photo or colors that “brand” you), but it should look like your web site. And it should work: all the links are alive and working, the HTML message does not get delivered as garbled, it does not appear to be spam or use spam triggering words, and it is easy to read through use of subheadings and simple graphics.
Effective Ezine Secret # 3:
Remember to make a clear call to action. Even though I advocate valuable content, this does not mean you give away articles and ask for nothing in return! Make sure you make it easy for people to reply to you, ask questions, forward the ezine to friends, and make sure your marketing and promotional messages are clear and visible.
Give clear instructions as to how they can learn more through clicking through to your products page or by calling you. Always remember to tell people what they should do. Here are a few examples:
Respond by clicking the reply button on this email.
Call me at this number: xxx-xxx-xxxx before Friday
Click here to get a free report, e-book, special report
Tell me what you think, hit the reply to email button. (Spell it out!)
To forward this ezine to a friend, click here.
Invite a friend to subscribe by clicking here.
Get the number to my free telecourse: just ask by reply email.
Making Ezines Easy
There are a number of e-books and e-course online that can help you get started. Never forget, quality content that delivers value to your readers is the most important way to build a subscriber list of loyal readers that will want to buy services and products from you.
Learn how to do your ezines well. It is well worth the time and effort. Ezine writing and publishing gets easier each time you do it. Start small and grow, grow, grow. Before long you will have a reader base that is loyal, trusting, and willing to buy from you.
If you need help, get help.
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