The Universal Creed: A Single Religion for Humanity

Jan 7


Ismail Ulukus

Ismail Ulukus

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The concept of a single religion for all humanity is not a new one. Throughout history, many have pondered the idea of a universal faith that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. At the heart of this concept is the belief in one Creator and the submission to His will, a principle that has been communicated through various prophets over time. This article delves into the origins and nature of this universal religion, often identified as Islam, and its implications for social ethics and human behavior.

The Ethical Foundation: Divine Guidance in Society

Social ethics,The Universal Creed: A Single Religion for Humanity Articles the moral principles that govern behavior within a society, are often rooted in religious teachings. In many cultures, these ethical standards are believed to be imparted through divine education, delivered by prophets across different eras. The core message of these prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, has been consistent: the acknowledgment of a singular Creator and adherence to His will.

According to Islamic belief, the religion of Islam—meaning "submission" in Arabic—was not introduced as a new faith by the Prophet Muhammad but was a continuation and culmination of the same monotheistic faith preached by all prophets before him. Those who embrace this path are known as Muslims, individuals who willingly submit to the Creator's guidance.

The Role of Intellect and Divine Education

The materialist philosophy, which denies the existence of a creator, posits that intellect is the primary source of justice and law. However, without the influence of divine education, intellect alone often leads to self-serving decisions, undermining the collective sense of justice within a society. In contrast, divine education is said to instill values such as justice, honesty, and patience, which transcend personal interests and contribute to the formation of objective moral standards.

The Essence of Prophetic Teachings

The message of monotheism and submission to God's will is a common thread in the teachings of all prophets, according to Islamic tradition. The Quran, along with earlier scriptures such as the Torah, Psalms, and Gospels, is considered a guidebook for humanity, with each text affirming and building upon the revelations that preceded it. These scriptures collectively emphasize the importance of steadfastness in faith and warn against creating divisions within religion.

The Timeless and Universal Nature of Islam

Islam is presented as a faith for all times and all people, with the Quran serving as the final and preserved revelation. The Quran is believed to correct any misinterpretations from earlier texts and establish universal principles for humanity to follow until the end of time. The notion that Islam is the only acceptable religion in the sight of God is a fundamental belief in Islamic theology.

The Attributes of God and the Path to Goodness

The Quran describes God, or Allah, with a set of distinct attributes: oneness, eternal existence, and the sustainer of all life. The path to embodying divine qualities such as mercy, justice, and patience begins with faith in God and submission to His will. This spiritual journey is said to lead individuals to ethical maturity and the highest standards of conduct.

The Impact of Faith on Individual Behavior

Faith in God is seen as the gateway to divine mercy and the foundation for a virtuous life. Believers are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that includes honesty, justice, and compassion, while abstaining from actions deemed harmful or forbidden. The transformation of an individual into a mature and well-mannered person is considered a testament to the power of divine guidance.

Embracing Divine Mercy

The article concludes with an invitation to embrace the mercy of God by believing in Him and submitting to His will. It suggests that the virtues and blessings outlined in the teachings of Islam are not only for personal betterment but also for the collective good of humanity, offering a key to eternal happiness in this life and the hereafter.

In summary, the concept of a single religion for humanity, as presented in Islamic teachings, emphasizes the universality of divine guidance and the potential for a shared ethical framework based on faith in one Creator. This universal creed is seen as a means to achieve both individual fulfillment and societal harmony.

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