This article explores three potent strategies that can significantly enhance your sales without inflating your expenses. These strategies are applicable to any business and can be integrated into any marketing approach, including digital marketing.
Customers are always on the lookout for products or services that offer simple solutions to their problems. They desire quick results and want the process to be as effortless as possible.
Promote the aspects of your product or service that are straightforward, quick, and easy to use. These features are often more appealing to customers than the price.
Moreover, ensure that your purchasing process is uncomplicated, swift, and user-friendly for every customer to prevent potential sales loss. For instance, many online marketers only provide one method for customers to order - online via a secure server. While this may be convenient for some, it may not be the preferred method for all customers. This discrepancy often leads to abandoned orders.
One online marketer reported a nearly 20% increase in sales when she introduced additional ordering options such as phone, fax, or postal mail.
People enjoy buying things, but they detest the feeling of being sold to. A survey conducted among new car buyers revealed that the helpful attitude of the salesperson was a significant factor in their purchase decision. None of the participants felt like they were sold a car; instead, they felt like they bought the car.
Most of these survey participants were probably ready to buy a car when they entered the dealership. The salesperson didn't need to persuade them to buy; they just needed to find a car with the desired features at an affordable price.
You can create a similar atmosphere in your business by targeting your advertising to prospects most likely to be interested in what you're selling. These prospects won't require much persuasion to buy.
Remember, prospects in a narrowly defined target market will instantly recognize how your product or service can benefit them. You don't have to convince them of its value, but you do need to persuade them to act immediately and buy now.
Prospects often hesitate to buy from you because they don't want to risk getting unsatisfactory results from your product or service.
One way to mitigate this risk is to guarantee their satisfaction. A money-back guarantee with few or no conditions is a powerful risk eliminator if you sell a product.
However, a money-back guarantee may not be feasible if you sell a service. You can't recover any of the time and labor you've already invested. Instead of a money-back guarantee, you can promise to perform additional services at no cost until your customer is satisfied with the results.
Another way to reduce your customer's risk is to provide testimonials from satisfied customers. They prove you can deliver what you promise. The most effective testimonial describes a specific benefit your customer gained by using your product or service. For example, "I already lost 9 pounds in just 3 weeks."
Remember to get permission to include your customer's name and address with each testimonial. Personal testimonials from real people are more believable than anonymous testimonials.
Start applying these three buying motivators to promote your business today. You'll be surprised by how quickly they boost your sales without increasing your expenses.
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