Most salespeople who are trained in the old way of making cold calls rarely think about the people they’re calling. They’re too busy thinking about their product or service. But really, this is backwards. If you’re only focusing on what you have to offer, you’re not relating to the other person. And this means that that most of your prospects won’t find your cold call particularly interesting.
When you try to understand your prospects, you can become immediately relevant to their world. And your cold calls instantly become much more engaging.
So let’s say you’re preparing to make a cold call. What are some of the things you’d think about in order to better understand your prospects? Here are 3 suggestions:
1. Put some thought into how your product or service solves a problem for them
This new cold calling approach focuses on finding a specific, real problem that other people are experiencing. When you’re relevant to them and their world, they trust you more easily. And they feel more comfortable having a conversation with you. They sense that you’re there to help them solve a problem – not sell a product.
So remove yourself for a moment from what you have to sell, and think about what problem you can solve for someone. For example, you might say, “I’m just calling to see if your company’s open to the idea of using electronic filing systems to improve invoice turnaround.”
Focusing on how your product or service solves a problem for your prospects means you’re stepping into their world. You’re outside your own personal sales agenda, and this naturally means stronger interest on their part.
2. Realize a cold call can be experienced as intrusive, and find ways to avoid it.
Stop for a moment and think about how to begin your cold call in a way that invites a real conversation instead of offering an uninvited sales pitch. You might start by just asking for help. For example, “Maybe you can help me out for a moment? I’m just calling to see if you’re still having difficulties with finding quality employees, and if you’d be open to exploring new ways to solve this problem.”
You see, when you’re talking about your prospect’s world right at the beginning, it feels less imposing and intrusive to them. Most people find it easy and natural to talk about themselves. So when you’re relating to the other people and their issues, it’s much more comfortable for them to join you in a conversation.
People also tend to respond well to genuine interest. You’re not just using phrases to convey an interest in their world, you are interested. And your cold call then becomes less of an intrusion and more of a welcome conversation.
3. Recognize that artificially high enthusiasm feels overbearing to a prospect
Many salespeople think that enthusiasm is helpful in cold calling. But it feels so overbearing that prospects often just want to get you off the phone. It’s not the way conversations are done in regular life. It doesn’t sound natural, and it feels somewhat manipulative. It generally just puts people off.
So instead, be yourself. Remember that most people enjoy talking with other people. If they don’t feel bombarded by artificial enthusiasm, they’ll be much more likely to welcome you into their day.
Cold Calls - A New Way to Open
Most of us design our cold calling around scripts and strategies. Isn’t that how we’ve been taught by the sales gurus? Sales strategies do the exact same thing. There’s something about scripts and sales strategies -- it always shows. I call this "The Wall." The traditional cold calling approach, which has been taught by the sales gurus for years, involves immediately giving a pitch about who you are and what you have to offer.How to Stop Cold Calls from Feeling Intrusive - 4 key ways to be seen as helpful while cold calling
Most people sense that cold calls are self-serving to the person calling. When our cold calls do not feel intrusive, people naturally are more open to talking with us.Focusing on being helpful takes us away from the traditional sales mindset. To be perceived as helpful, we must actually be helpful.Selling Online, Selling Offline -- What\\\'s the Difference?
Ever since I created Unlock The Game™, one of the first questions people always ask me is,"Does Unlock The Game™ apply to online selling?"