While a headline is designed to grab the ... the P.S. is the ... of your ... that actually closes the sales and puts moneyin your bank ... show that a stron
While a headline is designed to grab the reader’s
attention, the P.S. is the workhorse of your sales
letter that actually closes the sales and puts money
in your bank account.
Statistics show that a strong headline is a must to
hold the reader’s attention and propel them to dive
into your letter. But once they‘ve been hooked by your
headline, the averages show that most will scroll down
to your P.S. and look for a brief, to the point
summary of your offer. And with a strong P.S. you’re
going to entice them to read your sales letter more
thoroughly, or you’re going to immediately hook them
and reel them in based on the power your P.S.
Miss the mark, and you’re going to lose money.
Here’s my formula for creating hard-hitting P.S.
messages that close the sell fast!
First rule; don’t mention the price in your P.S.
unless you’re going to give a complete rundown
including bonuses that makes the offer absolutely
irresistible. To do this, you have to be confident
that the shear mention of your complete offer and
price is enough to sell it because once the potential
customer knows the price they’re going to make the
decision to buy or not.
Second, like writing a headline you want to give them
your products biggest benefit. Again, this is used to
lure the customer in and make them read more of your
sales letter where you can give them specifics.
Third, give them the downside of not ordering. Let
them know there’s a penalty and consequence of
passing, and make it a strong one!
Fourth, break it up into a P.S. and P.P.S. if you need
to. Have the first show a potential customer the
strong benefit they’ll receive, the second showing
your downside to not ordering now.
And finally, include an order link in your P.S. so if
the customer has the urge they can buy immediately. A
potential customer should never have to search for a
place to order your product. If you make them, chances
are good they won’t invest the time.
20-Point Checklist EVERY Sales Letter Must Pass!
Sales letter not pulling like you want? Need a quick "fill in the blanks" formula for ... your next product? Here are 20 ... ... of the ... sales letter: 1) Does your headlHow To Write A High-Profit Autoresponder Series!
It's the truth!A strong ... series can ... double the ... rate of your existing sales ... kidding! I've created ... for sales letters that have ... pushed5 Deadly Effective Sales Letter Profit Boosters You Can Use Now!
1) ASK ... YOUR TARGET PROSPECT CAN ANSWER "YES" TO Asking ... in your sales letter is a powerful way to truly engage your readers. It creates a need for ... and ... the buyers