Employee attendance is extremely important to any business.
For many years now companies have relied on time clocks in order to keep on their employee's attendance at the work place. Because of the advances in technology more and more companies are turning away from the old kind of attendance keeping systems and preferring to go with those that are computer based instead. So more and more companies now have time clock systems installed which run off a PC and so will have a good employee time keeping software package installed on them.
So how does this particular system work in relation to how it works and what are the advantages to having a computerised rather than manual time keeping system installed.
Where as previously when an employee arrived at work they would need to have their card stamped using a time clock mechanism. Today they either show they are in attendance by swiping a card with a magnetic strip on it through a reader, or they sign in through use of a PC.
As this information is collected on a daily basis the software program then stores the information until it is retrieved by a member of the HR Department. Or it may well be set up to automatically send the information through to the HR Department at the end of the day, week or month.
The biggest advantage to using systems like this for any HR Department today is that not only does it reduce the amount of paperwork that is being generated. But also it helps to prevent errors that often occur when the work is done manually.
Also these software packages come with alternative ways for employees to clock in and out so this can prevent fraudulent use of the system. As it will prevent other employees from being able to clock in or out for someone when in fact they have not been at work at all.
As well as the advantages mentioned above the other benefits to be gained from having a software program which records employee attendance is that it provides you with more accurate information. Plus it allows the managers of each department easy access to vital data concerning their staff's attendance at the business. As well as them the abilities to audit any information that is stored.
But if you are worried about the cost of getting an employee time keeping software program for your business then think again. There are numerous different programs available which suit all sizes of businesses and some will cost you less than $500. Although this may still be high what you need to take into consideration is that once installed it could end up saving you lots of money in loss profits where staff have previously been spending more time at their breaks than they are allowed.
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