It is an old saying about business that
Online shopping is the phenomenon which has taken over the world of shopping. On the onset, there was resentment against it.
It is an old saying about business that "customer is the king". Therefore,

since the primitive age; business people have been concern about the number of customers. In their pursuit of having maximum number of customers they try different things to entice them and attract them.
In this regard, discount has been one of the widely used and most efficient tools for the business organizations. Business keep on coining new discount forms and shapes to cater the need of customers and create value for them. In some cases and fields, discount has become the base of competing with each other.
Discount is not a new or unique idea at all in the world of business. As mentioned above, it has been used by businesses for quite a long time. However, what really has fueled its usage and importance is the phenomenon known as online shopping. Online shopping is the new and unique concept of buying and selling things. It is about conducting buying and selling activities by using information technology and internet.
The contemporary form of discount was discount coupons. These coupons would issued by different retailers or merchants for customer which would enable them to avail discount. However, the latest and present form of discount is online discount coupons or coupon codes.
These online coupons are the off shoot of E commerce. Since, bigger part of commerce has gone online and shopping through internet has become the first priority of customers; online coupons are the new rage indeed.
People often take this discount not too serious. Let me tell you, this is totally a wrong approach. People who do not take it serious are the people who are stuck in the past where discount coupons would be bit messy because of their physical form. Coupons in physical form used to be quite ambiguous and confusing. Some of them would not even have their expiry date and other discount details printed and depicted on them.
Things have transformed big time since the inception of information technology. Merger of technology with business and commerce has totally changed the dynamics of buying and selling. Now, online discount coupons are far more effective, easy to use and reliable.
This is the reason that various famous merchants and retailers have gone online. Some of the most expensive and famous brands also felt the need of ensuring their online and cyber presence. This is the reason that branded and expensive items are rife on the internet.
For example, costly items like watches are also available on internet. eWatches promo codes are quite famous in this regard.