Do you have a visitor survey on your site?If not, you should. Your missing out on a ... to cash in. Let me ... operate a site that offers my visitors free ... I also ask them
Do you have a visitor survey on your site?
If not, you should. Your missing out on a golden
opportunity to cash in. Let me explain.
I operate a site that offers my visitors free ebooks
but I also ask them specifically what their interested in
and for them to give me their email address. Beside’s having
my weekly newsletter which covers ebook related topics
like research, development, brainstorming and all the
rest, I open sub-mailing lists depending on THEIR topic
of interest. Not everyone is interested in just the research
, development, and brainstorming of ebooks.
I can’t read my visitors mind, neither
can you. This is a great way to get “inside” your
visitors head and find out what their “specifically”
looking for. I have a variety of ebooks on my site
but one day it occurred to me, do I really have what
people want? How would I know besides looking
at log files, and then keyword searches are pretty
general in nature at times, right? Than the light
bulb went on in my head. All you have to do is ask
Brian. The best part...they tell me what they want,
they give me their permission to send them
“periodic” emails when I have completed their
“info product of choice”.
(I inform them their not placed on a
weekly or monthly ezine for that matter)
I start creating a info product they
“expressed interest in receiving” then I work on the
backend, then I email them the
information. Because I took the initiative to “ask
them” what they wanted, than took the time and
created the info product of their “interest/need”,
my sales conversion rates will do what?
That’s right...increase. Than I follow up with more
info products related to their “topic of interest” and
even include the occasional freebie to thank them.
Out of all this the best part is the initial request,
I offer no bonuses, no incentives, for them filling out
the form, I just take the time to listen, create, fill
their need, and in the end have a very satisfied
customer for years to come. Are you asking and
What The Muscle Power of Audio Can Do for Your Site.
How Audio can ... ... can enhance your website by letting your visitor listen to your voice, which is the next closest form of ... besides a face to face ... can use Audio?AWhy researching is good, and a failure to do so is not.
What a lack of research could do to Brian ... 2004 ... article may be ... long as the source box ... of use would be ... creating an eThe Magic of Article Syndication
Whats the deal with ... your ebook using article ... ... your having a hard time ... traffic for your ebook related site?Are traffic ... bringing in traffic but ca