List of tips about to use forklifts safely
Here you will find out the list of forklift use safety tips. How forklifts become dangerous for your life if you don't follow the below given instructions. So keep in mind forklift using instructions while working.
Forklifts are amazing device which helps labours in a tremendous way by reducing effort and time. Forklift has different models and every model has its own application importance. It is used at warehouses,
manufacturing departments and construction sites for moving heavy materials. However, forklifts can turn out to be extremely perilous if worked by neglectful or untrained operators. We need to follow certain safety measures, as accidents caused, involves both human and property losses.
- We need to train the operators and they should be well qualified operators with licence. If the driver is not well versed with all operating skills, he will be a great threat to your business.
- While on work he should wear proper work wear, i.e. hat, safety shoes, jacket, no loose clothes, etc. Loose clothing can get stuck in machinery so try to wear fitted clothes only.
- Before you start operating it, you need to thoroughly check it for any problem .Check brakes, tyres, steering control, if any problem found, inform the concerned authority. You must have defected reporting process for employees so that it can be detected and rectified immediately. In problem don’t drive the device; it can be very dangerous for your life. Ensure that it is safe to drive before actually working on it.
- While driving use the safety seat belt. Using seat belts will keep you safe. Also check the mirror position and adjust it according to your requirement. Also ensure that you are seated in the right position and everything is under control.
- You need to check the loading capacity of the device. You need to take precaution while loading material. Do not load material which is out of its capacity and also distribute the load properly while loading it. Also, never try to load an object or material which is not stable. If you need to move unstable material in that case tie that up with ropes.
- Check the route while driving. Whatever is assigned to you, need to follow that only. While entering the place of work, check the height and space both. You need to be careful while working near the loading dock, have a safe distance so that it should not fall.
- Always have a safe speed while driving. While turning or changing the direction, drive slowly and safely.
- While loading check nobody should be nearby i.e, never allow anybody to move around while you are working.
- While driving be cautious about the dangerous blind spots if any. You need to be slow while driving on wet floors. Wet floors are slippery, so it needs extra precautions while driving. Also, while reversing the forklift, be aware of any type of damage caused by it. It can hit any object or human or property, so try to move with precaution, so that no accident can be done.
- While refuelling it, you need to take it to the required destination safely. You should not refuel it at any place. While refuelling, keep your machine completely off. If it is in working condition it may catch the flames.
- Keep a clear view while driving. Blocked visibility has chances of an accident more. Many times people being hit by the machine as the driver cannot see them. This can cause serious injuries. Watch out the pedestrians carefully.
- Do not use mobile phones while driving.
- Never come on duty under the influence of any drug or alcohol. Never drive when you are drunk.
- At the end of the hectic working day. Park your forklift at the proper place and never keep the keys left attached with it.
Vimar and ATF brand forklifts believe in quality and safety, they do not compromise at all for this!