New Sales Leads Generation: Not Just A Game Of Numbers
People are saying: Sales is a numbers game. New lead generation, is therefore, of unmatched importance and serves as the lifeblood of the company – the more leads captured, the better.
Why would anyone want to deal with volumes upon volumes of information about a large number of people who may not even be open to what you have to offer? This is one question that is often asked by one who does not have any knowledge on how it works,

and more importantly, why it is needed. Employing statistics, sales from 1% of, let us say, 500,000 is indeed much more than 1% of 500. The greater the number, the better chances of selling something.
But more than a numbers game, sales lead generation should provide qualified leads to generate sales. Qualified lead generation increases the percentage of purchases for products and services, which in turn, means more money for the company treasury.
For instance: There are two companies that are both involved in the sale of an eBook on teleworking or working from home. Company A mounted an aggressive tri-media campaign coupled with distribution of printed advertising in places frequented by their target market. Company B, on the other hand, mounted a massive internet marketing campaign starting off with the creation of a persuasive sales letter within a squeeze page where visitors are lured to opt-in to their list.
Sales lead generation for both companies amounted to thousands. However, it was Company B who eventually made more money. Both have the same group of prospects but the difference in the marketing tactics used resulted in a more qualified lead generation for Company B who got a list of people not just willing but also able to buy the product being offered. They made a thorough marketing assessment that gave them the edge by clearly defining that their potential customers should be able to make an instant buy on a website. The online campaign, as opposed to Company A's offline campaign, was able to zero in on people who are already comfortable with the process of online purchasing and how to download an eBook after a sale is completed.
The instance cited proves that for business lead generation to really matter, high figures or volume of leads generated is not enough. Quality is important but not everything because the bottom line will always be based on the revenues the company can and will produce.