Some aspects of antique engagement rings
Antique engagement rings are associated with a history of romance and different stages of development of the ring jewelry. When you buy them, you become a witness and part of that history. But some aspects of the ring also should be considered before buying.
Past few years have seen a rise in popularity of antique engagement rings amongst the people. After the discovery of diamonds in South Africa in 1860s,

the use of diamonds increase substantially in the ring jewelries. It was for the first time that the emphasis was on the diamond and not on the metal in making of these jewelries for wedding or engagement purpose.
Until the advent of diamonds, the rings were mostly had engravings of flowers, snake, and showed the life and eternity symbols. Now, those very rings are once again finding the place in modern day people. A few years back, a diamond serpent ring was sold for more than $ 8000 US. The ring was owned by the wife of Charles Dickens. This ring had a diamond on the head of the serpent two deep red rubies as its eyes.
It was only after the diamond reserves were explored in South Africa that diamond prices fell and common people also were able to buy the rings having the precious stones. Antique engagement rings from the beginning of the 19th century showed remarkable changes in its manufacturing technique. It was for the first time that six platinum claws were used for holding the gem. After this development, the use of platinum started rapidly as this metal was lighter in weight.
If you want to buy an antique ring, make sure that the gems are real and not fake. Ensure that the ring is not a replica of bygone era styles. Remember to check that the stones are not chipped or cracked.
It is advisable to have a photograph of the ring from the jeweler in case the hallmark of the gold has been lost. The photograph should have details of the antique engagement rings and the hallmark.
Ensure that there is no damage to the ring’s mount. You will be paying a good amount of money to start the processing of remounting the ring. This cost is sometimes so high that it is better to buy another expensive ring that is in better condition.
The jewelries from bygone eras give you the opportunity to experiment. Besides the popular Victorian and Edwardian era antique engagement rings, there are many other antique pieces that you can search the market shops. These may be even more exciting jewelries for the women. These rings have their own history and they symbolize romance too. Pick up the right one after going through its various aspects.