Business cards haven't been used as a sales tool. Still, awell-thought-out business card is one of the most powerful- yet inexpensive - sales tools you could use to boost yoursales almost overnight.
Before you get mad at me for what I just said, please looknow at one of your business cards and check the following:
- Do you use the back side to generate more sales through ashocking offer or guarantee, loyalty or referral program, orany of the 11 best marketing strategies to attract newcustomers and retain your current customers?
- Do you add a call-to-action on the back side to clearlytell your prospects what you want them to do so you cangenerate more leads and, therefore, close more sales? - Do you use a full-color artwork to add impact anddifferentiate from other business cards in your prospect'sRolodex?
- Do you show your photo to remind your prospects who youare?- Do you have your slogan on the front, close to yourbusiness name or logo, to communicate what your business andpositioning are?
- Do you have a slogan at all?
If your answer to two or more of my questions is NO, thensorry but… your business card sucks.
Don't get mad at yourself now. It's not your fault. Businesscards have been used for the last 100 hundred years not as asales tool but, on the contrary, just as a formality and away to give out your phone and e-mail.
Still, a well-thought-out business card is one of the mostpowerful - yet inexpensive - sales tools you could use toboost your sales and profits almost overnight.
To transform your business cards into a sales tool all youneed to know is: How to Create and How to Use business cardsthat sell.
As an example, the following is the message on the back sideof my business cards:
Worried your sales may sink?
Already sunk? 50% of new businesses don't survive the firstyear. Another 45% are gone by year five.I don't want you to become a victim of these statistics!That's why I'll give you my "From Survival to Success" Kitfor FREE:
- 100 FREE Full-color BizCardsthatSell- My celebrated e-Book: "How to Boost YOUR Sales with BizCards that Sell"- Ongoing strategic advice through Success4You, my weekly e-newsletter
If you've got 10 minutes, I guarantee to work a salesmiracle in your business.Go now to Hurry! Thisexceptional combined offer will not last long.
Will PeregoFounder &
Powerful, don't you think? Especially for those people whoare desperately looking for a way to save their business orincrease sales.
This is what I call a Shocking Offer: A shocking offer is sooutrageously beneficial for your prospect that it's almostimpossible to say NO.
Can you see the difference between a traditional businesscard and one that sells? My business cards bring prospectsdirectly to my website where they can get everything forfree while some of them - a lot, actually - becomecustomers!
The following are the 11 best marketing strategies you canuse for your biz cards that sell:
1. Free e-book or report (the one I use)2. Free subscription to e-newsletter3. Invitation to free seminar4. Free consultation5. Free trial6. Trade-in offer7. Shocking guarantee8. Membership Club9. Referral Program10. Loyalty Program11. Reminder for Appointment
The first seven are the best marketing strategies to attractnew customers. Almost everything is free because your goalis to make their first step toward becoming your customerextremely smooth and easy to take. You make your profit fromtheir recurring business. Now…
The way you use biz cards that sell is exactly the oppositeof how you've been using business cards for your whole life!
You put your biz cards that sell to work for you bringingnew and recurring customers while you are doing somethingelse. Even while you are sleeping!
It's all about leverage. Once you have a powerful marketingmessage on the back side, your business cards work as aflyer or a postcard. Even better. Because business cards aresaved for future reference while considered a personalcommunication, instead of just another piece of advertising.
Isn't it amazing? You will not need to be on one side of thebusiness card, handing it to someone on the other side, inorder to get their business.
The following are the Most Powerful Ways to Use Biz Cardsthat Sell to Boost Your Sales:
1. Create joint ventures with other business owners whoshare your customers while not competing with you. Hand outand mail each other's business cards to your contactdatabase along with a personal letter and an endorsement.2. Give a prize to your employees when they bring a newcustomer because of handing out their biz cards that sell.3. Add four or five cards to all follow-up collaterals andoutgoing mail.4. Create a Referral program on the back side with prizesfor the referrer and the referral and mail some among with apersonal letter to your contact base.5. Create a Loyalty program - buy X number of my productsand get ONE free. Print X circles on the back side and handout these cards to every customer with the first circlealready perforated. 6. Display them in your store/office along with a signpromoting your marketing strategy.Use them profusely while networking and every time you meetanyone.
Who Else Wants to Discover the Hidden Secrets of QuicklyTurning ANY Business Card into a $23,198.26/Month AutomaticSales Generator?Get your FREE "From Survival to Success" Kit and transformYOUR business cards into a powerful sales tool.Click here =>
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