Common Diseases Caused by Pathogenic Bacteria, Symptoms, Control, Treatments
What are diseases and what are the causes of diseases, symptoms, treatments. Here is an article that can talk about this topic.
A disorder of structure or function in a human,
animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. "bacterial diseases are quite a rare diseases".
1: Tuberculosis
It is the most wide spread of all the major diseases especially in under developed countries of the world.
Causative Organism & causes: This disease is caused by bacterium called Mycoba-cterium tuberculosis.
- Human sputum is the main sources of infection.
- Use of milk from infected cattle.
- Overcrowding and over work.
- Poor hygienic conditions such as bad housing, dust laden air and poor food.
- The disease is spread by droplet infections of infected person.
- Foods handled by persons suffering from T.B.
Symptoms: Prolonged coughing, constant slight fever, chest pains, fatigue, loss of weight.
Treatment and control:
- Tuberculosis can be controlled by:
- Improving work and living conditions of the people.
- Isolation of tuberculosis patients in hospital and sanatoria.
- Rest, fresh air and well regulated balanced diet can restore health during mild infection.
- Use of antibiotics is affected.
- Infants should be immunized with BCG vaccine against the diseases.
- Infants should be immunized with BCG vaccine against T.B.
- In more advanced cases, surgery of infected lungs is sometimes effective.
- Use of thoroughly boiled or pasteurized milk.
2: Cholera
Causative organism & Causes: It is a very serious infectious disease of digestive tract caused by a bacteria, Vibrio Cholera.
- These bacteria are passed out of the body of an infected person in their faeces. If the faeces contaminate water, then the bacterium can get into another person’s body and cause cholera.
- Housefly play an important role in transferring of germs from the waste of cholera patients. Contaminated food stuff, contaminated water.
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Severe dehydration
- Loss of minerals
- Fever
Control and Treatment: This disease can be controlled by:
- Vaccination with cholera vaccine.
- Water and food stuff consumed should be clean and hygienic.
- Use of boiled and chlorinated water.
- Keeping infected persons in isolated places.
- Faeces of the patient should be properly disposed of.
3: Typhoid
Causative organism & causes: It is an acute infectious disease caused by bacteria Salmonella typhosa.
Germs enter the intestine of human body along with contaminated food and water.
Symptoms: high fever, headache, inflammation of intestines, loss of weight, loss of appetite.
Control (Precaution):-
- Typhoid vaccine is used to crate active immunity.
- Food and water should be covered.
- By keeping personal hygienic conditions.
4: Bacillary dysentery
Causative organisms & causes: This is a disease of intestinal tract and is caused by bacterium of the Genus Shigella.
- Bacteria enters the body with contaminated food and water.
- Bacteria spread by: faeces of infected persons, flies, dirty fingers.
- Symptoms:
- The patient suffers from diarrhea.
- Stool contains blood, mucus and pus.
- Sometimes the patient gets fever.
- Sever pain in the lower abdomen.
Control (precautions):-
- Disease can be controlled.
- By improving personal hygienic.
- Sanitation and proper sewage disposal.
- By protecting and uncooked food from flies.
- By careful washing of hands after toilet.
- Infected person should not be allowed to handle food or work in restaurants.
- Proper medicine should be given.
- Use of ORS (oral dehydrate salt) to prevent dehydration.
5: Tetanus
Causative organisms & control: Tetanus is caused by a spore forming bacteria called Clostriduium tetani.
- This disease is caused by the bacteria found in soil, refuse of animals.
- The spores enter through: wounds, burns, umbilical stumps of a new born baby, surgical suture and other injuries, deep wounds by rust metals like nails are dangerous.
- Painful and Volant contraction of the body muscles.
- When muscles of the jaw are affected, the mouth cannot be opened. The patient is said to have lock jaw.
- Death results from respiratory failure.
- It affects the central nervous system.
Tetanus is controlled by immunizing people with stimulates the body to produce antitoxin.
Treatment: tetanus antitoxin is given to neutralize the toxin. Penicillin is given to stop the growth of the bacteria and the production of toxin.