In military industry, is crucial test the vehicles under dynamic parameters through both movement on the ground and swimming. High temperature testing, for example, is essential: Low and excessive temperature vehicle testing for vehicles and other types of equipment.
These low and elevated temperature tests include cold starts of vehicles or other types of equipment with internal-combustion engines; efficiency of heating and air-conditioning devices; vehicle resistance to low and high temperatures; and insulation properties of isothermal body structures.
In contemporary history,

a major interest for armed forces vehicle seating suppliers has been the seat s performance in the event of a mine Explosion. Many soldiers have been brutally injured or Dead in this scenario, and military design engineers are working to prevent these tragedies by equipping their vehicles with seats able of preventing spinal or brain injury under these attacks.
So, develop of these equipment is a priority in many countries of the globe, for the reason that mine attacks are the most habitual type of attack in the great war confrontations today: Iraq, Afghanistan..
The armor: Here is another component of the military vehicle. While various systems are more defensive than others because they used heavier armor, their weight was a Important difficulty. An example is a company that had added more armor to build its structure more defensive, but it wound up being so heavy it snapped the test vehicle's drive shaft. Various systems with composite equipment were light adequate for vehicle performance requirements, but not protective sufficient.
Many people are working hardly on testing requirements for body armor. Kevlar vests, steel plates, or Ballistic Exoskeletons body armor s function is to shield the soldier or law officer from hurt.
American forces researchers have blown up live pigs dressed in body armour in an attempt to study the link between roadside bomb blasts and brain Damage.
The investigation determined that body armour does not worsen brain damage. The military testing had feared body armour would bounce the force of blasts toward the head and increase in intensity the chance of brain injury. The examination in addition showed that body armour protected troops' lungs and was critical to surviving blasts.
In this field of body armor, helmet has vital importance. There is four helmet Class in the US military today, and in others military forces:
- Personal Armor System for Ground Troops (PASGT) helmet is made of and has been in service since 1983. The Kevlar helmet, accessible in five sizes from extra small to extra large five sizes, provides ballistic protection for the head from fragmenting weapons and small arm bullets. Comes with a belt suspension system inside and two-point chin belt. Can be upgraded with a four point chinstrap and pad suspension system.
- Modular Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH) is a special operations lightweight ballistic helmet that incorporates exceptional ballistic and non-ballistic protection with the capability to interface with the majority tactical headsets and microphones used by SOF. Standard with a pad suspension and four-point chinstrap.
- Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) is based on the MICH design and provides an improved helmet to soldiers, replacing the older PASGT. It provides increased 9mm bullet protection. Comes with pad suspension system and the four-point chinstrap.
- Lightweight Helmet (LWH) was Researched for the US Marines to replace the PASGT. Looks very similar to the PASGT, but has a four-point chinstrap built-in and is about 6 ounces lighter. Originally it had a web suspension system and being upgraded to padded suspension.
In ballistic testing, while the helmets will stop a 9mm round, the impact indents the helmet approximately 1.5. Inches. If the helmet were against the skull when the bullet strikes, that indentation is transferred to the skull with resultant injury and/or fracture. Holding the helmet permanently off the skull with shock-absorbing pads reduces or eliminates that scenario.