Are there really Secrets to SEO? We take a look in this short article.
Many people starting off in SEO seem to think that SEO is a Mystical world full of secrets,

with "Blackhats", "Whitehats",and "Grayhats". If you go to any SEO forum you will be bombarded with advice, some good some bad and some that no longer applies. You will notice immediately how much of this advice is conflicting and see the mini forum battles going on to see who's right. Often people will claim to have secrets, that they won't reveal. These things are a secret until you come to know them. You will often find out these "secrets" if you keep on searching SEO forums. You will see what has worked for some people and what failed. Forums are the perfect place to ground yourself in SEO and get SEO educated.
One of the problems with forums, is that you will often get newbie SEOs and un-educated SEOs giving bad information. Always try and get the latest information. At the same time, when you find out what works for the majority of SEO experts then give the forums a rest and get on with it. You will never become an accomplished SEO if you spend 80% of your time on forums and 20% on the actual SEO. Spend 20% of your time on forums and the other 80% doing SEO on your sites.
One of the re-occurring problems with SEO is that its not an exact science. How can it be, when Google wisely keeps its algorithm's to itself. The Google algorithm is basically a formula that Google uses when it spiders any website. It checks your Internal links, it checks your outbound links. It checks links from other websites linking to yours. On the basis of these and a little bit more it will then decide where your website belongs using a formula -the Google algorithm.
So because Google won't tell us its secrets, how it works things out, we have to guess. So we have a group of "SEO experts" who are so good at guessing how Google works, that they have become experts in their field, incredible as it may seem. How have they got to the stage where they know Google's every nuance,it's inn’ and out's? Well much of this is achieved through extensive testing to an almost scientific degree. They have years of experience behind them and they are not afraid to listen to other SEO's. In fact most of the experts are happy to share their expertise on forums.
The ones that have nothing to share, are usually the shady false SEO experts, selling their secrets for a price! Buy my new moneymaking plan right now! Become a millionaire in months! Yep you’ve seen them.
What I have learned on my SEO journey, is that there are a few basics, get these right and be consistent. Optimise your targeted website pages with the right thoroughly researched keywords. Make sure your title tags and description match your keywords. Get as many good, quality high PR website links that have something to do with your website. Make sure your keywords are in the link.
Article writing is the other proven method of giving your websites an SEO boost. You basically write an article that has something to do with your targeted website page and then make sure you have a link from your article that links to the targeted webpage again using your keyword phrase or phrases in the link. You then submit your article to one of the many free article submission websites and they will publish your article on the web. When someone reads your article they may click through from your link. Once published the article also adds another backlink to your targeted webpage!
So in conclusion their are no real secrets, ok maybe some useful knowledge that you don't yet know, but once you know the basics go for it. The worst you could do is, "do nothing".