How Reasonable Is To Run Both SEO and PPC?
Current trends in the online marketing entrepreneurship point to the growing number of integrated agencies offering diverse services from several Internet marketing fields, like search engine optimization and Google AdWords management for PPC campaigns.
Current trends in the online marketing entrepreneurship point to the growing number of integrated agencies offering diverse services from several Internet marketing fields,
like search engine optimization and Google AdWords management for PPC campaigns. The question is how reasonable it is to run several service packages at a time.
As the answer to this question depends on the goals you want to achieve, it’s better to analyze an average SEO agency capacity. We can notice that both search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising consist of similar stages, from the strategy development to keyword research. Let’s consider it in details.
Where can SEO agency perform typical PPC tasks? Of course, Google AdWords management requires specific knowledge and skills which can be provided only by credited specialists, but there are numerous tasks where even these qualified specialists need help from the SEO part.
Let’s take the process of choosing a landing page as an example. In the course of AdWords management process a PPC team sets goals and decides on ongoing campaign activities. Still, every ad created for a PPC campaign should lead to a well-optimized SEO page with unique content and thoroughly written metatags. It’s where PPC meets SEO, as only search engine optimizers know how to increase the page credibility for search engines.
The choice of a landing page is also greatly depends on the keyword research, where it’s necessary to take into account keywords popularity and general competition for such search requests. Though keyword strategy is a part of Google AdWords management, any SEO agency possesses a profound expertise in this kind of activities.
If we consider the matter of such integrated SEO agency’s profitability, we can notice a prevailing number of small businesses and start-ups in this sphere. SEO and PPC activities have never required establishing a large-scale company with 100+ employees, that’s why a 10-member team suffice to achieve basic SEO agency and Google AdWords management goals, as such team members can fulfill multiple tasks.
The example of such mid-scale company can be seen at, where IMCREDO Ltd. represents an integrated online marketing company, combining both SEO agency and PPC activities with other online marketing services.