Keyword Searches and SEO Optimization

Oct 10




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When it comes to internet marketing, in order to get high page rank on your site, the best thing you can do is to engage in SEO or search engine optimization.


When we say keyword research it means it's a practice used by search engine optimization professionals to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search. In order to find anything on the Internet,Keyword Searches and SEO Optimization Articles you either have to already know the web address, or you have to find it via a search engine. One of the most common misconceptions about conducting keyword research for a search engine optimization campaign is the belief that you already know which terms a customer would use to find your site. When it comes to finding what you want, you have to know a little about keyword searches and how to word your request. We know that keyword searches are vastly different from how we speak, and this causes some people to miss out on finding the right information. When the search engines look for what you are asking for, they look for the keywords, and the order in which you list them will have an impact on what results you are offered. Yeah, it's true that some keyword searches are simple.  If you want find out about The Wiggles, the words “the wiggles” will give you what you want. Let say here that if you want to find out more about Anthony Field of the Wiggles, you need to adjust your keyword searches. You may instead want to search for “Anthony Field Wiggles” or for “Wiggles Anthony Field”. You may be surprised to see that just switching the order of the words yields you different results. Well, the initial idea of keyword research can be daunting. Trying to come up with the perfect combination of words to drive customers to your site, rev up your conversion rate and allow the engines to see you as an expert would easily give anyone a tension headache. Building your site to target these key words is called SEO Optimization and is now used by most sites to attempt to get the most traffic. Apparently, if you are looking for even more specific information, you have to fine-tune your keyword searches even more. For the purposes of keyword searches, however, it makes perfect sense to the search engine, and you may get exactly what you want with that search, and you will get it quickly. Often we find pages of advertisements instead of good information on the subject we’re researching. Why is this and how can we avoid this dilemma? Another thing here is, if you are having trouble with your keyword searches, try to be more specific, but remember to think of what you want as you search. Be as specific as possible, but remember that being too specific may limit what you find and you may come up empty handed. Search engine programmers are constantly trying to keep up with how people search, and always working to make things easier for you to find your information. Most search engines have tips for keyword searches, so if you are having trouble, this may be a great place to look for help. Another idea that is very simple is to type in your search request in quotations like this: ”Australian Cattle Dogs”. Otherwise the information generated will show up as the separate words bringing up all things having to do with Australians, cattle, and dogs instead of the total phrase Australian Cattle Dogs. Some additional option for finding information with a keyword search tool is to use more than one search engine. Some search engines like Google are handy for a miscellaneous, general search. Other search engines like Dogpile will give you a mixture of findings in some of the most popular search engines like Yahoo and Google. It used to be the case that if someone wants their website to be entered into a search engine, they need to pay a fee for the privilege. Those days are over unless you want to run ads on the search engines. The sites that are advertising products for sale will usually have more money and hence will be willing to pay a higher price to be ones who are first listed in a keyword search. You can’t avoid this problem but there are some ways you can employ a keyword search tool to help you find the information you need. For those who have a detailed subject, and want to find search engine that is specific to the topic you are researching. One such search engine is Education World. Education World is a keyword search tool created expressly for teachers. So if you are an educator and are looking for information that that is specific to your discipline, this engine could be helpful for you. Finally, the last and most valuable piece of information is to remember the old adage about computers: garbage in garbage out. The information you glean from your computer is only as good as your keyword search tool methods. It's important to keep monitoring your keywords and make tweaks as necessary. Doing so will allow you to stay ahead of your competition and keep moving forward.