SEO Companies to Avoid - Top 3 Check List
Well, if you want a top rank in google, and you google for SEO companies, hundreds of sites come up, many promising that they can get you in the top 10 search results. So now where do you start? Who should you trust and who should you avoid. This had been a dilemma I faced until I started asking a few questions to myself. Would I buy a book on "How to be a millionaire" written by someone other than a millionaire? Well, the same analogy applies here. Check how well they have done SEO for themselves. Judge the company by what they have done and not by what they promise.
1. Check the Google Page Ranking of the SEO site:
PageRank is a link analysis algorithm,

named after Larry Page, used by the Google with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance. Most SEO companies would promise you top results, top page rank etc. Well, the higher your page rank the better it is for you. All new web sites start off with a page rank 0, and as they build links from highly ranked pages, their rank also goes up. For example, if your site gets linked from page that has a rank 7, that would say your page is fairly important and could contribute to a higher page rank. The more links you have from high rank pages, the better it is for you. Now check to see if the SEO Company who offer a high page rank for you, has earned a good page rank for them. To check page rank, download google toolbar (for free) and install the toolbar. Then go to the URL you want to check out, and click on the page rank button.
2. Check the Alexa Traffic Rank:
Alexa traffic rank is a measure of web site's popularity. Lower the number the better. If they are above 100,000, maybe that SEO Company need to work on their site before offering you a high traffic rank. You can go to and check out the Traffic Rank of any site for free.
3. Check Alexa's Number of Sites Linking In:
A measure of how many sites are linking in. The higher this number, the better is their link building. Avoid companies whose information is not available.
The above three items are pretty basic checks to weed out the SEO companies that may not be as sincere in their promises. Besides, being armed with some knowledge goes a long way in getting the right SEO Company.