Social Bookmarking Service: 17.5 Cents per Manual Social Bookmarking Submission
If you are Website owner, blogger or article author and searching for social bookmarking service. So, you have to read this article to find proper social bookmarking service.
What is social bookmarking?Social bookmark is best method to save and share your discovery on web. You can save or tag your favorite website and use it later. We all aware about browser bookmark. But,

if you will change your personal desktop or laptop so, you have to lose your bookmark. It will enable you to use your saved web pages at any place - any time!!Are you website owner or blogger or article author?Social bookmark is one of best method to improve your web page visibility in major search engines or in front of needy people. You can choose any service. But, you have to identify your goal to get it done. It will generate good amount of website traffic and targeted visitors towards your web page. Here, you can check some important factors before choose service.List of social bookmarking websites:You can find out list of websites on service provider's web site. It will give you more ideas to know quality of service. There are many social bookmark websites with huge amount of traffic. If your web page will submit on specific web site so, It will helpful to generate more traffic towards your web page. Here, I listed some of top social bookmark websites to get more ideas.1. Twitter 2. Digg 3. Yahoo Buzz 4. TweetMeme 5. Stumbleupon 6. Reddit 7. Technorati 8. Delicious 9. Kaboodle 10. Mixx 11. Propeller 12. Newsvine 13. Fark 14. Slashdot 15. Twine 16. Clipmarks 17. Dzone 18. Faves 19. Blinklist 20. DiigoGoogle Page Rank:You can also check Google page rank of social bookmark websites. If service provider mentioned Google PR with list so, It will good to identify quality of list. Very simple rule - High PR social bookmaking submission is always good for your web page.Manual Submission:Many social bookmark submission tools are available in market. But, manual submission is always good to get results. This is really big question. Manual submission service will give you great rewards. You check sample report from service provider website. This is great way to identify method of submission activity.Features & Testimonials:Bookmarking have many features like fastest way to get your web page indexed by Search Engines, improve your web page visibility, improve your web page branding & many more. You can check these features on service provider's web site. Testimonials is also one of best way to identify quality of service.Price of Service:Price is always matter to select any service. So, we can not neglect this important factor during selection. You can choose price of social bookmarking service by specific package or by each submission. Before select low price service; you have to check above factors to get good result after submission.