The Future of Over Doing SEO to your Website
Implementing SEO on your website business pages is extremely vital to having a chance at that coveted number one spot on the first page of the search engine results. This article will give a quick overview of what to avoid so you do not over optimize the pages on your website business.
Implementing SEO on your website business pages is extremely vital to having a chance at that coveted number one spot on the first page of the search engine results. With that said,

there are websites that have either seen their ranking fall drastically in the SERPs or have been permanently thrown out by search engines due to over optimization. This article will give a quick overview of what to avoid so you do not over optimize the pages on your website business. When Google spiders scan a site, the site listed and subjected to algorithmic treatments against all other websites in same category including niche, group, and keywords. Google then determines if the site is over optimized (both on-page and off-page) relative to the current high-ranking websites. Over- optimized sites in this category considered spam sites and what are the satisfactory parameters for this site considered properly optimized for this niche or keywords. In short, Google, as well as other search engines, use past trends to determine and calculate what the limits for acceptable optimization are. If those exceed with the, Google then determines the likelihood future of that website as spam. Here is the list of the Google suggested things to avoid while doing SEO to your website 1. Do not use black hat or unscrupulous SEO techniques 2. Do not use or stuff too many keywords or phrases on the same page or in the domain name 3. Do not use the same keyword phrases 4. Do not have a keyword density over 7% 5. Do not write or place duplicate content for your site, related sites or sites belonging to others 6. Do not link to spam sites, sketchy sites or link farms; diversify your links 7. Do not have spelling errors or any kind of mistakes on the pages of your site 8. Do not put capital letters in the domain name when it is not needed 9. Do not use hidden text that will only be seen by the search engines 10. Never forget to write your page and site text for the visitor to your site not the search engines 11. Never forget to have a call to action on the pages to your sites If the written text on your page look unnatural and does not have a good flow, the search engine spiders will possibly conclude your site cited for excessive optimization. If all the pages on your website have the same tag configuration and same keyword phrase ratio, there is an excellent possibility your site will hit with a penalty by the search engine. That is why it is so important to write as if you are having a conversation with the visitor to your site and not with the search engine. Do not over think when you write text for your web pages. In addition, if you are having difficulty writing text, approach it from the aspect of you being a visitor to the site. That is, how as a visitor to this page would you want the written text presented so that it would hold your interest, be relevant, and get the message across. Back links are extremely advantageous when trying to improve your SERPs. However, if you get too many too quickly, you will trigger suspicion with the search engines and risk the possibility of a penalty. No one really knows what that proper pace is to acquire back links. Experts will always give you their best educate guess and that is truly, what it is. The best way is to start building your links slow, steady and at a pace that will appear natural to the search engines. As your site grows both in size and traffic, pick up the pace of the link building. Without question, avoid links from a link farm or questionable sites. Achieving success for your website via SEO is a long-term proposition that requires dedication and time. Constantly working on your site to improve it and creating original quality written content as well as adding back links in a natural manner will go a long way to build credibility. Do not be tempted by schemes that promise to achieve high rankings in search engines. Google will always find you out and the consequences could be severe for you and your business website.