You probably have seen some blogs that have articles (posts) related to the internet marketing. They usually arrange in the chronological order. The recent one is on the top of the rest of the posts.They may contain the link to other sites, pictures related to the content of the article, and Youtube video.
Article marketing or bum marketing is simply the article that is about a particular topic in a niche you want to do marketing.
It can be 300 to 500 words mostly. It has the head,

body, and summary as a regular letter, but there is a resource box where you can include your biography linked to your site or affiliate landing page.
Writing web content is different from what you learned from English class. They do it through writing style—Flesch-Kincaid rule.
They are short and concise sentences. Four sentences per paragraph is a good practice because most people just scan through the content, not reading the whole passage. Here is a good article about writing a great content 8 Incredibly Simple Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content.
Usually, you want to have keyword rich content. It means there are keywords that you want to rank in Google.
Speaking of great content, you have to stay away from plagiarism. I meant do not copy and paste other people ideas. You do not want to go through litigation which costs you a lot of money and time down the road. Original great content is the fair game you want to play in the internet business.
After you write one article in Notepad or Microsoft words, you need to submit it to the article directories. It is a good idea to submit it to the sites which are ranking 5 or above. That is because having one way backlink (outbound link) from the higher page ranking is worth more than a link from a lower page ranking.
Make sure you do not have a duplicate content. That is because some article directories do not want to have it unless the original one is on your site. For example, the Ezinearticles is one of them.
As you have a new website, and you want to index in the Google, you have to do this tedious task. However, you have an option to hire somebody to write you a bunch of articles with the keywords that you want to rank in Google.
If you do not like writing and you have a big budget to play around. You can go to e lance or Rent acoder. The purpose here is not only to get backlinks, but also the traffic from that directory.
How often do you post your articles?
It depends on how eager you want Google to see your site with fresh content every time. So two to three times a week would be a good idea. But you have to take your audience into consideration.
If you post articles so often, they may not catch up with your valuable content. They may think that is too much to consume the content. You test it out to see if your audience is comfortable with this routine and you are not in the trouble finding the topic to write about.
The point is you have to find the balance so that you do not get burned out and you also satisfy your readers at the same time.
Article marketing is the way to build in bound links (backlinks) to your site. The more inbound links you have, the more the Google thinks that your site have positive votes from the other sites. Then your site would get page ranking faster.
The higher the page ranking, the more traffic to your site you are going to get. And the more traffic you have is the more sales you are going to make.
Go out and write articles related to your niche and make sure they are keyword rich content, not keyword stuffed content. Great valuable content is the goal.