Have you got a beautiful website that no one knows is there?Want more visitors and customers to your website?Not appearing on the major search engines?Then you need Search Engine Optimisation and Professional Copywriting.
Having the right content and text on your website is essential in today's highly competitive world.
There are so many websites on the World Wide Web,

so many subjects and so many businesses for every single subject that it is getting harder and harder to attract people to yours.
So unless your website contains a Google Whack (and if that means nothing to you can we suggest you check out Dave Gorman’s book of the same name) then sad as it may seem, your site isn’t unique.
As a test of that theory try typing in two random words. Anything you like – the sillier and more unconnected the better. Try ‘kleptomaniacal zebras’, for example. When we Googled that we returned 80 results. 80! All loosely connected to thieving, stripy members of the horse family. Since your site is unlikely to relate to zebras of any description let’s try something a little more likely to feature on a website. Try searching for any product on the Web. Let’s try, for example, ‘black shoes’. When we checked there were 6,790,000 sites listed with that phrase.
If shoes are your business and you’re expecting to be found simply on the basis of having an expensive, professional website, then forget it. So are 6,789,999 others. That’s not a needle in a haystack – that’s a grain of sand on a beach.
There is no point in having an all singing all dancing website, with all the right colours and moving bits, if no one ever finds it on the internet. And let's say that some people do find your website – if the only text they find there is so dull that they fall asleep - just after logging off your website, then you’ve lost the potential customers who do, by some miracle, find your site.
This is where Professional Copywriting and SEO comes in. Working hand in hand these 2 industries will now produce amazing results for your website.
The SEO brings in the visitors and customers that are looking for your products and services, and then the new professionally written content on your website keeps them there and turns them from people about to leave into potential customers.
Studies have shown that customers will buy from a website that is fresh and unique, enjoyably readable and relevant to what they are after. The same studies have shown that these customers will not only return to buy again in the future (as long as you give them the right customer service now you have them there), but are more likely to recommend your website to their friends and colleagues.
Even Google is telling people to provide fresh unique text that changes on a regular basis.
Boring website + boring text = 0 customers. That has to be the easiest calculation you have ever done.
So now you know what to do, how do you go about it.
Search Engine Optimisation and Copywriting does not have to be expensive, however there are a lot of bad websites, with bad copy, out there. Make sure you use SEO and copywriting experts who know their onions. Go for the cheaper alternative and you’ll find your lovingly crafted website being optimised by a bunch of guys who’ve only ever had a passing acquaintance with English and haven’t got the first clue what you’re selling, who you are, and what your target audience is.
After all, it has to be worth investing in, to bring visitors and customers to your website instead of your competitors - doesn't it? Either that or do nothing, and watch your website and business fold in front of your very eyes.
Search Engine Optimisation & Copywriting : Turn your website into the best member of staff you ever had.