How To Do Manual Directory Submission?
A method you can use if you would see your web-site go up in the ranking is manual directory submissions.But there’s more to it than you’re aware of. Although the concept is straight forward, the wide variety of elements involved, make it rather complex and also very time consuming.
As easy as submitting your website to directories might sound,

the process is quite complicated, at least more than you might think, and it will be a time consuming task In order to get started with this quite boring and time consuming process, you will need to create a list of suitable directories you can submit your web-site to.A short list is pretty useless so you should definitely try to submit to 300 or more directories to get the desired result.Your web-site is probably about products you sell or services you offer and will fit into specific categories that are listed on the web directories as well. One of the things you will be looking for when choosing the web directories is if the directory have a category that is suitable for your service.If you have no idea at all how to start, type ‘web directories' in the larger search engines, such as Google, see which names will come up and begin with these.Wikipedia also has a list of general and specialist web directories. It is important the web directories you pick are SEO friendly.During your search for web directories you will come across directories that are not SEO-friendly, needless to say that they are not worth your attention. Your main goal of the entire submission process is to obtain valuable links in the end which just will not happen if you pick out web directories that are not SEO-friendly.Also check where the links are directed to, they should always go to your site and if they don't it's a redirect,they are redirects and then they are of no value to you. Supposing you paid attention to all the previous steps, take your list of selected directories because it's time to start the procedure of manual directory submissions.We already spoke about the importance of appropriate categories; submit your site to directories that contain the correct category for your product or service. Next, a submission form will appear on your computer screen to fulfill your manual directory submission. On each of those submission forms, you will be asked to fill in a name, a description, an URL and an email account, and sometimes some additional details depending on the directory you are submitting to.First you will study the guidelines of each directory as they have their own criteria and if you don't follow them, your submission will be declined with no explanation from the editor of the directory. There are many ways of payment for directories.Nothing comes for free in this world and the same goes for good directories but you have a couple of options to choose from.Submitting to paid directories is one way of achieving the results . Free web directories generally have the option to make a payment to, but they are not recommended. How often you pay is entirely up to you: you can subscribe monthly, pay annually or pay the entire bill at once.Why you might want to pay for the submissions, other than the fact that you will get a quick review, is because of the position you will get in the directory.While you can as well go for free submissions, although the reviewing time will be longer, they are in fact free and you can do hundreds of them. The form will ask you for a few more details.The titles to start with, keep it short and simple, but try to sum up the concept of the web-site.If you struggle with the right length of your title; 45 characters is a good average; more than 55 characters is too long.The URL section should be your homepage.Your web-site should be complete before you can even think about submitting, meaning you should at least have an up-and-running domain and substantial content.You can be sure to be rejected The description field is not to promote your products and services but should objectively describe in about 250 characters what it is you do or sell.In your description you should enter the same keywords as the ones you would expect your visitors to enter in when they are searching. Every directory will ask you to enter a personal name and an email account, but don't use a free email account.A hotmail or a gmail account is not very professional and will in many cases be rejected by web directories; ideally, you have an email address that is related to your site. You should be careful with automated submissions.To verify that you are doing a manual submission, you will have to type in a code that is to you in the form. The reciprocal URL is not the best option to choose, but if you want it anyway this is how you get it.This is the Reciprocal URL. If you chose the option ‘Regular Link with Reciprocal' then you need to copy and paste the link they give you to a place on your site, and then copy your web-sites URL and paste it in the ‘reciprocal URL' field. This entire process of submitting your website manually might seem time consuming and boring, but it is well worth it if you want to maintain your web-site in a professional way.As discussed before, the fact that it can take a long time before you receive a review and the different rules that are set by the different web-directories can make it quite frustrating, especially when you find out that not all the web directories will accept your submission.You might end up spending so much time getting it right that you wonder why you started doing it in the first place instead of hiring a professional manual directory submission service where well-trained people can submit your site for you.