Learn how to power up your EFT set-up phrases.
Want to jump start your EFT set-up phrase?
The standard ending is.
I deeply and completely accept myself.
I deeply and profoundly accept myself.
There is a slight 3rd variation which is: I love and accept myself even though I have this_______________." I tend not to use it. As it starts off the set-up phrase.
My standard EFT Set-up phrase is
Even though I have this _____________ . I deeply and completely,

love, forgive and accept myself.
Why Change Your Phrases?
Often somebody using eft, can't say out loud or to themselves I deeply and completely accept myself. This in its self needs some eft tapping. Yet, that's for another post.
My favourite 10 set-up endings, which I most regularly use are:
1. I choose to forgive myself for holding onto this and I choose to forgive those others that may have contributed to this in any way, shape or form.
2. I'm choosing to have compassion for myself even though I can't yet love and accept myself.
3. I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and my life anyway.
4. I am still a good person.
5. I'm willing for this to change.
6. I'm willing to accept all of my feelings without judgement.
7. I'm ready to let go of it now.
8. I'm open to letting go of this now.
9. I totally love, accept and forgive myself AND anyone who may have contributed to this INCLUDING (name of the person they feel did it to them).
10. I totally love, accept and forgive myself.
From here you have so many ways and options to end your EFT set-up phrase.