5 Steps to Change Life by Making a 100% Commitment

Jul 17


Beth Tabak

Beth Tabak

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When creating a high quality life, career, or business 100% is the only way to go. Here are five steps to make it easier to say 'yes' to what you want in a way that gets results.


"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it." Mack R. Douglas

Imagine a wedding planner 75% committed to planning your wedding,5 Steps to Change Life by Making a 100% Commitment Articles an author 65% committed to writing a great read, or a plumber only 90% committed to repairing your leak? Yikes! As a business and life coach I have noticed over the years that the clients who are most successful in creating the changes they want are the ones who commit 100%, and those who struggle have an aversion to or fear of commitment. Most often he/she reasons, "I like my freedom". Yet they have less freedom and happiness than those who commit. Commitment is a hot button for many, yet is the key to their dreams. It is not to be feared but embraced. When creating a high quality life, career, or business 100% is the only way to go. Here are five steps to make it easier to say 'yes' to what you want in a way that gets results.

Step 1- Be authentic- Being authentic reduces the need for self-discipline. When you make a commitment based on your values, passions, skills, and strengths work becomes play. You get into a place of flow. You are energized versus drained because you are doing what you love, doing what is important to you, and doing it in a way that comes naturally to you. Ask yourself, 'what are my values, passions, skills, and strengths.' Ask others the same question. Then ask, 'how can I best leverage them?' Then choose a goal you are willing to commit to 100%.

Step 2- Focus on the joy your pot of gold brings- What end result are you committing to? If you want to lose weight stop focusing on what you are giving up and focus on the end result you want. Experience how great you will feel to slip into your jeans, how good you will feel when you see photographs of yourself, and how confident you will feel in a bathing suit, etc. Hold your intention first thing in the morning, at bedtime, and when throughout the day. Allow no room for a pity party. Be pulled into action by the end results.

Step 3- Drop the excuses- Once you make a commitment drop all excuses. Ken Blanchard says, "There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." There is no choice to procrastinate. Commitment requires action!  What will your life, career, or business look like if you let go of the excuses and take daily action?

Step 4- Add a support structure- This is where clients resist. We love freedom. We have to get that structure holds our focus on what we have to do. It saves time, money, and provides more freedom long term. Create a plan to change habits and set daily disciplines that lead to your goal. Tony Robbins offers good advice, "Stay committed to your decisions; but stay flexible in your approach." Clear your plate. Make room to take action. Put a structure in place to keep you on track such as a daily checklist or pick up a Rewarding Daily Habits Chart at the author's website. Make shifts as needed along the way. Set up rewards to keep it fun. Add accountability by recruiting a buddy who wants to make a commitment then support each other weekly or hire your own personal coach.

Step 5- Give 100% instead of anything less- This means a daily commitment to excellence and focused action. Give all you have to give. Hit the pillow each night with a sense of fulfillment. Awake and follow thru with enthusiasm!  Too often we go to bed feeling something is lacking when in fact nothing is lacking! We just are not taking the actions that bring fulfillment. Raise your standards to your very best daily by doing what will make you feel good about you. Does this mean working until you drop? NO! Rejuvenation is part of peak performance. Take time for extreme self care so you can be your very best.  Work hard, play hard, pray hard.  

Malcolm S. Forbes said, "One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks." Begin to practice committing fully by starting with one goal you know you can reach and building a pattern of success. Keeping commitments to yourself will build your confidence that you can follow thru, you can make things happen, you can be unlimited, and you can create a high quality life…. starting now! 

Copyright 2007, Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.

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