6 Steps To Making A BIG Change

Jun 26


Jan Tincher

Jan Tincher

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Do you want to make a change, but you don’t know how? Do you want to make a change, but you’ve made changes before and they haven’t *stuck?* Do you want to make a change, but you don’t see it worth ex


Do you want to make a change,6 Steps To Making A BIG Change Articles but you don’t know how? Do you want to make a change, but you’ve made changes before and they haven’t *stuck?* Do you want to make a change, but you don’t see it worth expending the effort?

Check out these six steps and see if this will work for you.

One: Decide what you really want.

Decide what you really want, and then look at what is preventing you from having it NOW.

Look at each one of the thoughts that are preventing you from having it now, and ask yourself these questions about each thought:

Could I allow myself to welcome this thought?
Could I allow myself to accept this thought?
Could I allow myself to release this thought? To just let it go?

Then, when you’ve answered them, go on to these questions:

Could I release it? (This is different than *Could I ALLOW myself to release this thought.*)
Would I release it?

It’s perfectly OK for no to be an answer. This is just to get your mind used to the idea of releasing thoughts that have kept you from accomplishing your goals.

Two: Get leverage.

Get leverage by associating extreme pain to NOT changing NOW, and extreme pleasure to the experience of changing NOW. Do a lot of visualizing here. If you need help, go to http://www.tameyourbrain.com/powerpicture.htm

Three: Release the pattern that is limiting you.

In order to release the pattern that is limiting you, you need to identify what that pattern is, then use the same technique in step one for releasing it. Also, you may find additional information here: Http://www.tameyourbrain.com/beliefpattern.htm

Four: Create a new, empowering alternative.

What can be a thought pattern that would empower you?

How about one of these: *I can do it!* *Yes!* *Power!*

Where you used to think the thoughts that limited you, now think an empowering thought. Cancel the old thought pattern. You can find the Cancel Technique at

Five: Condition the new pattern until it’s consistent.

Pretend you have a mandatory drill every day to condition the new thought pattern -- as many times as you can, but be consistent. If you do it 5 different times during the day, do it at those same times the next day. In the beginning, OVERemphasize your new, empowering habit. Totally focus on doing it louder, longer, cuter, faster, whatever, as this will help you remember to do it.

Six: Test it!

Does it work? If not, why not? If it doesn’t work, redo it. If it does work, share the process with those who can use it. Good luck.

*** The technique for releasing your thoughts is in The Sedona Method. You can receive a free tape that explains it more here: http://www.qksrv.net/click-741727-1143812


Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide


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