How easy it is to get "seduced" by all the gloom/doom slices of life the media feeds you each day. It's as if they want you to think THAT'S the "only" thing important, and/or the only thing "real". Well, the truth is that what's real for YOU is what YOU mentally dwell upon, and BELIEVE is real. And so, here are some powerful Message Of Life quotes, each designed to uplift, inspire,and enrich your mind-set with the GOOD that also exists!
Health, wellness, vitality, opportunity, joyfulness, energy, fulfillment, power for living. success. These are all qualities people need, and genuinely want. How can you come to experience them?
Through exercise? Diet? Personal coaching? Drugs? Luck? Chance? Well, perhaps. But beyond these - way beyond these - is the factor that naturally stimulates and encourages these qualities to unfold into real, tangible facts of life. That quality? Becoming deliberately, invincibly positive in your thoughts, presumptions, and outlook.
"What; being invincibly positive will lead to the initially mentioned qualities showing up in my life?" Yes; unequivocally!
Becoming invincibly positive is not just an "attempt" at convincing yourself that "things will be Ok, and will work out for you". But a soul deep, subconscious structural framework which sees things in a certain specific way, interprets things in a certain specific way, and upholds beliefs in a certain specific way.
I'm the country's foremost peak performance hypnotherapist and personal best coach. And through 30 years of working with high profile people who go on to become life standouts, champions, ultra-successes, and mega-millionaires...I'm now giving you several "Message Of Life" quotes I've developed over the years, so you can read - and re-read them - and establish this subconscious structural framework I'm speaking about. Read each, f-e-e-l each, embrace each, and allow its suggestive inference to fill you. As you keep doing this, you decidedly will come to experience an incredible positive outlook shift.
And in these times of all news media seemingly placing daily emphasis (in a majority sense) on reporting stories embodying death, destruction, murder, disasters, national security problems, government (and politician) debacles, illegal immigration issues, the Iraq war, terrorism, soaring health care costs, and the seeming down side of life...people clearly need the "cloud clearing, empowering - breath of emotional fresh air" becoming invincibly positive affords them. Yes, now, more than ever!
1.) The Equalizing Force...Within You
"The thing you say you're scared of - afraid of -'terrified' of... You really feel this way because you don't sense you've got the ability or capacity to effectively meet its perceived demand. (Just trust me here!) ... But there's always a level within you, a part of you - a realm of power and competence within you that can be equal, even superior to the perceived demand of what you say you're 'afraid of '. Yes - a capacity to generate increased confidence; a capacity for bold and forthright action -- a capacity to mobilize resources, and strength, as needed... You must look deeper and more purposefully within your very own make-up to find, connect with, and activate this inner efficiency capacity - which you possess... It's there now, awaiting your determined search, this fear neutralizing, strength capacity within you... It will empower you -- it will serve you and your purpose; it will wholly set you free ! Look, therefore, intently for it, my friend - you will come to find it, and it will decidedly come to find...You!"
2.) The Amazing Truth
"The most amazing truth is that - right now - you can decide to believe in yourself -- to decide that you can have what you want, that you've got what it takes, and that you deserve to experience true joy - the kind that accompanies taking initiative to move yourself ahead in noteworthy accomplishment ... If you look deeply into your very soul now, you'd see that this amazing truth applies to you -- yes, You... And, that there's absolutely nothing to refute its viability - or appropriateness for you. You can decide to accept and embrace this truth - now, and, as such, no longer withhold your power from yourself, or the world... For making this decision will unfold for you the Power that will make your life truly meaningful and substantive. Indeed, it is then you will truly start...Living!"
3.) The Struggle
"The struggle makes you strong; Character becomes forged of steel, sinews become tempered through the effort... Go then with resolve -- sustain your drive; press on with a hunger only conquest can fulfill -- Let your will remain undaunted, and let your faith now command forth your soul... It can be done my friend -- and it can be You!"
4.) You Shall Stand...Again!
"Lift yourself back Up when life 'knocks you down'; Lift yourself Up. Lift yourself back Up from your emotional trial and despair, so you again come to stand -- upright and secure...
Yes - Lift yourself back Up, my friend, from the unfair treatment, from the un-righteous act perpetrated upon you, from the disregard, the disrespect, the taking you for granted, the talking behind your back, and the un fulfilled 'promises'; Lift yourself Up...
Lift yourself Up - for you're too worthy to stay 'down'...
Lift yourself Up, for you were not created to be debased and undercut, and 'held down' -- but to re-bound, recommit, and continue to press on...
Lift yourself Up, for the life in you - as you just deeply know and f-e-e-l - must continue along in its forward quest -- moving you further, and further down that particular and pre-destined pathway, specifically planned for...You.
Lift yourself Up, and so show yourself that you matter, that you've got what it takes, that you will not surrender - for ANY reason - and that there's an inner force and resolve within you, an indomitable force of will, superior to any occurrence that may have seemingly 'knocked you down', or 'caused you harm'...
C'mon - Lift yourself back Up, and prove to yourself you still have dignity, a sense of pride, a resolve to show 'em -- and you are one who can - and will - take the 'blows' - because you are one who refuses to accept that - due to 'unexpected' circumstances - you would 'fall short' of your 'mark'. Never; not You!
Let your spirit rise again, and Lift yourself back Up -- from the feeling that you might 'not' be what you thought you were. The literal truth is that you're more than you realize, and capable of infinitely more than you even know...
And as you Lift yourself back Up, you immediately begin to ARE this capability. Through a spiritual grit that refuses to accept 'defeat', Lift yourself Up -- because as long as there's an 'ounce' of life left in you, restoration can occur, healing can occur, new, experienced strengthened actions can be expressed forth, reversals can occur, the 'scale' can come to tip in your favor, good luck can come to find you - and success can ultimately become wrested from the heartless 'arms' whose initial 'clutch' may have brought pain, failure, or demise upon you...
But you can now think of the word demise as 'Dem-eyes' -- 'Dem-eyes' through which you can begin to start seeing things differently now - in a new, decidedly hopeful, determined, self accepting, reapplication committed, and self valuing way...
Go ahead, and Lift yourself back Up now, because the 'ground' is not your home -- and what is now, and what lies ahead, is not what was back 'then'... And neither are You! Lift yourself Up, and Stand now, my friend -- and do this for you...because you CAN!"
Start doing your own thinking, reasoning, and emotionalizing now. Make your thoughts truly yours, designed by, and upheld by your choice and decision. Reality is a function of perception. Start now deliberately upgrading your perception to positive - and keep it there! Remember; they're your thoughts, and their context becomes...your life!
A NEW View Of You: ACCEPT Your Truth, And Start Doing What You Know You Must!
Denying and/or avoiding your truth ensures you'll KEEP getting more of what you DON'T want. How can you comfortably acknowledge where you're at right NOW, so you can then get motivated to DO something about it? This article lays it out for you start purposefully dealing with reality, instead of continuing to avoid it!The Supreme Belief In VICTORY Mind-Set (Invincible Faith That You WILL Succeed!)
There is a clear and decisive mind-set that is the precursor to personal victory. Once you forge this inner framework, there IS no wavering, or "falling short of your mark". There is only action, determination, total conviction, and ultimate success. Are YOU ready to surge forward to the NEXT level of income, accomplishment, and personal gain in YOUR life? If so, heed my directives here to engineer the mind-set..that conclusively PREVAILS !Insider Secrets to Boosting Your Luck: A Practical Guide
Ever wonder why some people seem to have all the luck? They thrive even when times are tough. Are they just naturally blessed, or is there something more to it? This guide explores six actionable strategies to enhance your luck. By understanding and applying these principles, you can start seeing positive changes in your life and business.