If you find yourself uncertain in your business, it may be time to clarify your purpose and bring back the passion. Working with passion is more than just making money; it’s about being fulfilled by your work. In this article, Rochelle Togo-Figa, The Sales Breakthrough Expert, discuss how you can uncover and clarify your life purpose.
More and more people are letting go of the belief that it’s impossible to make money and also do what you love. Working with passion is more than just making money; it’s about being fulfilled by your work.
I used to think the key to fulfillment was all about making money. I was always focusing on ways to bring in more money. I thought if I made enough money, then I’d be happy and fulfilled. But it didn’t work out that way. The more I followed this path, the less satisfied I was.
At the workshop, many people came up to me and said “I see you speaking to groups.” As I listened, it made sense to me. I’ve always loved leading seminars, workshops, and teleclasses helping people to be successful in their businesses and lives.
The feedback I received made it crystal clear that I was here for a much bigger purpose. And, that was following my passion—fulfilling on my life purpose.
When you’re clear about your purpose and living it, the universe will give you what you want. It begins with clarifying your life purpose, designing your action plan to fulfill on it, getting into action, and watching as the results unfold.
Although the importance of doing what you love is key to success, sometimes the concern about making money overshadows that. As a solo entrepreneur, we all have worried about money at one time or another.
A person in one of my recent teleclasses said she was starting a new business and was concerned about making enough money. I asked her if she was passionate about her new business and she said ‘yes.’ I told her to focus on the passion she has about her business, design the action steps to start the business, and get into action. What will determine the future is believing in herself in the present.
If you find yourself uncertain in your business, it may be time to clarify your purpose and bring back the passion.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you identify your life purpose:
Answering these questions will help you uncover what your life purpose is. When you clarify your life purpose, the steps to take become clear. Within a short time, you’ll be attracting clients with ease.
Having clarified my life purpose, I knew what steps to take. I spoke at my local chamber, attended Toastmasters, and joined a speakers bureau. In just 2 days, people approached me directly about my services, 2 former clients want to work with me again, and I’m being promoted as a speaker. This can happen for you.
If you like what you read in this issue and would like help identifying and applying your life purpose to your business, let’s set up a Sales Breakthrough Session. In one session, we’ll clarify your life purpose and design an action plan to achieve your goals. To learn more, visit http://www.salesbreakthroughs.com/products/strategy_session.htm
Assignment:Allow yourself to begin to define what lights you up. Set aside time to carefully answer these questions without any judgments or assessments. The goal here is to simply begin to identify your passion. And after you do that, share it with others. Because the more you share your life purpose with others, the more real it becomes for you. Lastly, visualize yourself living your life purpose and write down how it feels to be living your life purpose.
© Rochelle Togo-Figa
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