If you haven't reached your goals yet--for this year or for your life--it could be because you are zoning out, living in your comfort zone. This week, take one action step toward reaching one of your goals that you have been afraid to try or to go after.
If you haven't reached your goals yet--for this year or for your life--it could be because you are zoning out, living in your comfort zone.
I'm the first to admit that I thought my comfort zone was very good to me for much of my life. But truth be told, I didn't have much of a life! Ironic, eh? It was when I decided to step--no, jump out of my comfort zone that the most extraordinary things began to happen. I met the man of my dreams, got married, left an unsatisfying job and started my own business. I have been living happily and fulfilled in my life for a little over two years now and I wouldn't go back! Oh sure my comfort zone shows up every now and again, more than I would like, but it's all good because it shows me that it's time to stretch myself to the next level.
Does the following description sound like you? You live your life in fear: fear of looking like a fool, fear of appearing stupid, fear of what other people might say, or fear of not knowing what or how to do something. That's how my life looked. I never set foot outside my comfort zone and therefore missed so many wonderful experiences and opportunities.
It is now my quest to help others break free of their comfort zone so that they can have their best life ever. My clients take great strides forward. Sure, sure, initially they are hesitant but they called me in to help them...and help them I do, and for the most part painlessly too. Look, change isn't easy but it is very much worth it. You can either stay in your comfort zone or stretch out of it for the most unbelievably satisfying life!
Here is a step-by-step exercise to move you out of your comfort zone. Grab a piece of paper and write down the answers to these questions (I even provided some examples to help get you started). Oh, not to worry, these can be baby steps. If you want to run, you first need to feel good about walking. These will do that!
Being afraid to try something new certainly shows up in many areas of our lives, not just exercise. I used this example of an exercise class because I am a fitness instructor and coach, and I come across this scenario all the time. Let me say that good instructors welcome "newbies" to the class. And if they know you're new, they'll usually give extra instruction so that you can follow along. There's no reason to be intimidated!
Staying in our comfort zone does not do us any good mentally or physically. We need to stretch our mind and body in order to stay alert, active and healthy. As you may have figured out, a lot of what keeps us in our comfort zone is in our heads.
This week, take one action step toward reaching one of your goals that you have been afraid to try or to go after. When you do, write and let me know how it turned out for you. I'd love to hear about how you felt before you took the step that started you moving out of your comfort zone...and then how you felt after!
The First Step To Being Yourself Is To Know Yourself
Are you living your life the way you want to? Remember, the first step to being yourself is to know yourself.Lead Yourself to Mastery in Your Life and Business
When we master something we get a sense of satisfaction, we feel proud and we are excited about it. It is such a great feeling. That is why aiming toward mastery gives you the anticipation that you are working toward controlling your life, your business and ultimately your destiny. Wouldn’t you want to hold the position of mastery in your life? I know I sure do!So... What Do I Do Now?
We agree to do things for many reasons which are usually valid at the time when we say yes. However then often we have time to think about it and realize a 'no' would have been the best choice.