Understand The Best Natural Energy Supplement That Work Best For You
Bee pollen contains carbohydrates, proteins and high fiber amounts that are the primary foods the body needs to make energy. It also contains simpler forms of foods that the body can use directly like amino acids, enzymes and vitamins.
In the world today,
each day is hectic requiring people to work hard for the limited resources available. In the process, many get exhausted very quickly and thus the need of quick power boosters. There is also growing mistrust on artificial forms of energy giving substances because of health problems. Natural energy supplement is therefore the preferred mode of restoring this power for many. There are different varieties that work different but general care must be taken because overuse of these agents could have negative effects.
Caffeine for example is the more commonly used because it is easy to find. It works as a stimulant to the body to provide high amounts of energies for the cells. This response is a physiological response called the flight and fight response. It is meant to provide the cells with strength to respond to stress that may be an emergency. Being a stimulant to the body, it can cause dependence and addiction so must be used with care.
Ginseng is the other natural agent known to boost physical energy. It was initially used in the Asian traditions as medicine for many centuries. It is described as an adaptogen because of the ability of enabling the body to adapt to high levels of stress. The mechanism of action of this agent is through stimulation of the nervous system therefore increasing the resistance to tiredness.
Another product is an extract from citrus fruits called bitter orange. This substance is thought to contain the element called synephrine. This element plays an important role in generating power that the body needs. Closely related to this substance is a naturally occurring body enzyme called co-enzyme q10. This enzyme found in the mitochondria of all cells is involved in reactions that make energy for the body. They can thus be used to stimulate our bodies to produce more strength.
Some of the essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce naturally have also high energy contents. The two well understand amino acids with this ability are creatine and carnitine. Creatine has the ability of preventing easy fatigue and making the body muscles to increase in size. This ensures the body has more energy to function. Carnitine is directly involved in energy production where it has stimulatory effects. These two substances are useful in treating syndromes of fatigue.
Of the entire natural agents that boost power production, bee pollen is the most nutritious. Bee pollen contains carbohydrates, proteins and high fiber amounts that are the primary foods the body needs to make energy. It also contains simpler forms of foods that the body can use directly like amino acids, enzymes and vitamins.
The other product is called gotu kola. It is closely related to kola nuts that are common in the western countries in Africa. This product has the ability to decrease fatigue and depression as well as to treat sleep disturbances. Unlike the kola nuts however it is not a stimulant therefore less likely to cause addictions.
Natural energy supplement are reliable when quick energy is need to accomplish specific targets. It is however advisable to consult medical personnel when using most of the stimulants because they could make a person depended to them in addition to other unknown side effects.