From The ... Book Is simply ... so much detail, ... love, life, loss, between the lines of each page! It ... ... to ... the battle between l
From The Publisher:
Ryan's Book Is simply facinating...covering so much detail, information, love, life, loss, between the lines of each page! It motivates the
reader to acknowledge the battle between love and war! That love conquers!
A stepping stone to all of life's experiences and circumstances concerning this unique
gift "true love!" Ryan's Book will teach you how to recognize & protect true love! If
you always wondered what it feels like to love, be in love, does true love even exist?
Or the loss of a love one healing process? Look no further, Ryan's Book gives you so
much it will have your heart spinning and coming back for more! Her CD Uplifting
Music & Unforgettable Lyrics You'll be snapping your fingers & tapping your foot, very
NOTE: (Track 21) "Time For a Change" has been Dedicated To All The Victims
That Lost Their Lives In NYC Washington DC & PA. & To Their Families! "My Heart
goes out to all of them!"
Ryan's Book Won Acknowlegement from the Writers Digest
Merit Award 2000 For: Content on various subjects Unique writing style Cover design
f & b and her facinating idea of adding a Music CD to her book! Marlene A. Ryan was
Presented Editor's Choice Award For Outstanding Achievement in Poetry Presented
by and the International Library of Poetry 2000, by Howard Ely Managing