If you are looking for conscious business tips and inspirational stories, then the new Align, Expand and Succeed book is for you! Not only will it help you align with who you truly are and expand your presence in the world, but-as a result-success will naturally flow in abundance to you!
Building a business of fulfillment, purpose, honor, and integrity, as well as financial abundance, health, and spiritual well-being has always been a top priority for me.
And to help me stay inspired and keep a steadfast focus on my goal of being a conscious entrepreneur running a conscious business, I have always made sure to surround myself with plenty of books, audio programs, DVDs... well, anything to support my learning from successful and conscious entrepreneurs who have blazed the trail for others to follow.
Strangely enough, through my daily learning from the masters, I have found that many of the problems I face while building my conscious business are personal problems in disguise!
"Work on your business while working in your business," that's what they say. But New York Times bestselling author and public speaker, Michael Port, also adds to this quote, "while working on yourself." Not only do I perfectly agree with him, but Michael Port's view point is exactly what the new Align, Expand and Succeed book is all about.
In other words, we grow a business to the level at which we can handle that growth from an emotional, spiritual, psychological, and intellectual perspective... and that is precisely what I have found while voraciously reading the 280 pages of Align, Expand and Succeed.
This collection of true stories from 39 conscious entrepreneurs around the world offers an amazing opportunity for both intellectual and spiritual growth. As a matter of fact, in their very own style and voice, these authors generously open their hearts to the readers by candidly sharing their fears and challenges, their victories and successes.
Reading this new book-it was officially launched on October 19, 2010-I have literally found myself inspired to letting my heart and soul guide my business, along with my knowledge and expertise. These pages were definitely a perfect answer to my ongoing quest of being a conscious entrepreneur running a conscious business.
Needless to say, Christine Kloser and Lynne Klippel-from Love Your Life Publishing, Incorporated-did a wonderful job in compiling these 39 uplifting pieces. If you are looking for conscious business tips and inspirational stories to help you align with who you truly are and expand your presence in the world-as a result, success naturally flows in abundance to you-then you've got to read this book!
Not only do I believe the Align, Expand and Succeed book to be a superb addition to my shelf, but I highly recommend reading it before making your next Christmas gift list!
Note: This book is available on Amazon.com or here.
Happiness: What Needs to Change So That We Feel Better, Get Better, and Stay Better?
We do not feel good because all is well in our world. All is well in our world because we feel good. The way to change things in our lives is to first change ourselves. That’s what the mystics and the most prominent teachers keep repeating over and over again since the beginning of time.Unconditional Acceptance: A Roadmap for Happiness
No matter how difficult we find it to implement the practice of unconditional acceptance in our lives, the word "difficult" doesn't mean "impossible." Each and everyone of us can get to put unconditional acceptance in practice on a daily basis and reap the benefits of a much happier and peaceful life.What Is the Number One Cause to Unhappiness and Misery?
Many of us blame loneliness, or oppression, or war, or hatred, or violence, and so on. We are mistaken. There is only one cause to unhappiness and misery: The irrational thoughts and false beliefs that inhabit our minds.