We all can think of places where the energy on the space affects us. Energy fills physical spaces and the residual energy can affect the space and people who enter at a later date.
“This is a really bad/healing/oppressive/uplifting space . . .”
My brother (who doesn’t quite believe in this sort of thing) once returned from a vacation and told a story about visiting a city. His family was meandering around the Old City,

really enjoying the sights and sounds. Then they walked around a corner and, he said, they got a really awful feeling. He remembers thinking, “This is a really bad space.” They didn’t think much of it, and carried on with their touring. Later, they learned that at one time in history, the “really bad space” had been a location where human beings were bought and sold – a slave auction place.
We can probably all think of places where we are aware that the energy of the space affects us. In my organizational consulting years, I heard people talk about board rooms where, “We always wrangle and argue when we meet in that room.” I visited staff rooms that were tangibly toxic. On the other hand, I have visited places – and I bet you have too – where as soon as I entered the space I felt a wave of healing or peace or love.
Premise number one: physical spaces are filled with energy. The energy of thoughts and emotions that occur in that space linger after the people have left. That residual energy can affect people who enter the space later.
Once upon a time
Premise number two: You can clear the energy of spaces so it supports you.
A few years ago, I led a team of people traveling all over our province to host workshops about a new piece of legislation that many people didn’t like but would have to use in their work. We knew going in that a lot of people would be cranky. Because we understood the impact of people’s emotional energy, and because we had learned energy-clearing techniques, one of our team members had the job of clearing the energy in all of the rooms in which we met.
On two occasions, she was not available as early as usual during our set-up time, and none of our other team members remembered to do so. We began the workshops before anyone had done energy clearing. On both occasions, the group dynamics were particularly challenging and didn’t lift until later in the day – after she had arrived and did her usual magic.
An energy clearing technique
Here’s a technique you can use to clear the energy of any space. You’ll find it especially useful to use techniques such as this in rooms where you spend considerable time.
1. Sit quietly, take a few deep clearing breaths, and focus your attention on a particular space.
2. Imagine that a pillar of white light is encompassing the entire room. Imagine that, within that pillar, the white light is moving in a circular direction, clockwise or counter-clockwise. Imagine that the circulating white light is picking up any unhelpful energy, moving it upwards, and whisking it away into outer space, sending it somewhere it will do good.
3. Imagine little energy scrub brushes are scrubbing and polishing all the hard surfaces and corners in the room – walls, ceilings, furniture, everything. Imagine little cosmic vacuum cleaners are pulling out any less-than-ideal energy in any of the soft surfaces of the room – upholstered furniture, beds, curtains, clothing, etc.
4. When it feels like the energy of the space is pristine, stop. Let yourself feel that the space is crystal clear.
5. Decide what kind of energy you would like to experience when you are in that space. For example, you might with the energy of peace, love or joy; the energy of restfulness and relaxation; the energy of optimism, focus and productivity; the energy of abundance and prosperity... Be intentional about the kind of energy you want to experience in that space.
6. Imagine that you invite the kind of energy you want to experience in that space to flood the space. Imagine the space filling up with sparkles of positive energy that is good for your body, mind, emotions and spirit.
7. Imagine yourself walking into that space and feeling uplifted – exactly how you want to be when you are in that space.
Use the technique anywhere
You can use techniques such as this to help when you need to do some physical clearing. Before you start a sorting, cleaning or de-cluttering activity, clear the energy and then flood the space with the energy you would prefer. Yes, you will still have do sort, clean or de-clutter, but it will go much easier when the energy of the space is supporting you.
When I remember to use this technique in any of my spaces – personal, work, vehicle, public or private -- I am keenly aware that things go better
Your Coaching Challenge
As you move from one space to another during your day, imagine clearing the energy before you get to the next space, and filling it with the kind of energy you want to experience in that space.
Going Global
Think of some troubled place in the world. Imagine whirlpools of white light clearing the space of dark energy, and flooding it with the energy of pure love, which is appropriate anywhere and anytime.