Learn how to speed up your success with a personal coach.
I love watching the top sports individuals and teams;especially,

the ones who consistently year in and year outmaintain the highest level of excellence. What is thecommon factor of these successful individuals and teams?Great coaching! Great coaches analyze the talent theypresently have and work to maximize the athlete’s strengths,while minimizing or eliminating the athlete’s weaknesses.This makes the individual and team better at what they do;while, at the same time, it identifies obstacles or challengesand helps the athlete and team overcome these challenges.
What do top business professionals such as Donald Trumpand Bill Gates (especially in their early days) have in commonwith these top notch athletes? They realize that toaccomplish their goals faster, they enlist the help of coaches.Whether it is presentation coaching, success coaching, orexecutive coaching, the coach assists the professionalsrealize their full potential, maximize their assets, minimize andeliminate their weaknesses, and helps them realize theiropportunities in career, business, and life.
What are the qualities of a great coach? It’s the samequalities you see in the great coaches in the athletic arenaeveryday. The following are some of the qualities to seekwhen enlisting the services of an effective coach:
1. Positive CommunicationWhen communicating with you, the coach will usecommunication that shows ownership and empowerment.Instead of saying, “I think…,” “I hope…,” “we kinda…,”“maybe we could…,” “I like to…,” the coach will use wordsand phrases such as “we can…,” “we will…,” and “we needto….” These words and phrases convey a sense ofownership, empowerment, and expectancy of positivechange.
2. Clear Goal-SettingYour coach will ask variations of these questions, “Whereare you now?” and “Where do you want to be in one year,five years, 10 years, etc.?” The coach will work with you todevelop a personalized plan or proven system that is flexibleand fits your special needs. The coach will hold youaccountable for achieving the plan and help you find waysto accomplish the plan.
3. Motivational AbilityYour coach will find the motivating factors that are importantto you and keep you focused on your goals based on thesefactors. Having established a close relationship with you,your coach will know when and how much to motivate you.
4. Honest FeedbackYour coach will give you constructive, honest feedback sothat you can take the steps to go to the next level in yourcareer, business, and life. Many times when I coachindividuals in organizations, the number one concernemployees have is one or more of the following: “I neverreceive feedback on my performance,” “I only receivenegative feedback,” or “I only receive feedback during myonce-a-year performance review.” Feedback is important forimprovement.
Could you imagine a basketball coach never giving his teamany feedback during the basketball game or season? Oreven worse…only negative feedback? How would theindividuals on the team know what areas to improve upon tosucceed? Your coach’s feedback will keep you on track tobe more successful.
Another important benefit of coaching is that it isconfidential in nature. Just you and your coach will knowwhat your goals are for success. Often the reasonindividuals don’t ask for help or guidance is because theydon’t want others to know their weaknesses. Your coachingsessions are confidential and all feedback is kept betweenthe participants.
5. Making the Future NowYour coach will help you see your future opportunities todayand jumpstart you to take action immediately. Many timeswe will see our future opportunities but don’t know how toget there. The coach provides a “bridge” to help you movetoward your opportunities and goals. Like the old sayinggoes, “If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieveit.” The coach helps you achieve it by seeing the future nowand having you act on it.
Enjoy the benefits of successful individuals andorganizations if you are serious about creating success inyour business, career, and life. Do what successful peopledo and find a coach that meets your unique needs and helpsyou accomplish your goals quickly. You will be amazed atthe results.